Book club

What are you reading at the moment?

Any recommendations?

I mainly read crime novels but have run out of new ones so am re-reading Graham Greene.

I am on Brighton Rock at the moment.

On a kindle due to eyesight issues.

  • I've never read or watched harry potter.

    That's 2 of us then..

  • I've never read or watched harry potter. I also don't tend to read much fiction but did when I was younger.

  • I really enjoyed His Dark Materials....but on the small screen only.  It was good and rounded -

    My Kindle has a small screen but it's rectangular rather than rounded.

  • I recommend all the Frozen books! Polar Nights Cast Into Darkness is a really good one and it came out on my birthday :) Forest of Shadows is also really good (and even a bit scary at some parts, ill admit). Dangerous Secrets is about Iduna and Agnarrs origin story (mostly Idunas id say. their Anna and Elsas parents btw). Frozen Heart is about Hans veiw of Frozen but I dont like that one as much. Theres also TONS of shorter books but I wouldnt be able to list them all. And if you are interested in podcasts, Frozen Forces of Nature is availible on most if not all podcast services (free with google account too) and there should be 2 new episodes tomorrow ITS REALLY GOOD

    I can suggest non Frozen books too but id have to get my list later to make sure I dont forget any. 

  • I really enjoyed His Dark Materials....but on the small screen only.  It was good and rounded - complete.

  • A post on another thread has got me thinking.

    So, I'm possibly the only person in the world who has never read the Harry Potter books or seen the films.

    I also tried the Philip Pullman His Dark Materials but couldn't get into it (I only read a Kindle sample).

    I'm quite bad at getting into novels.

    I have 271 samples on my Kindle (where I didn't buy the novel).

    I usually read crime/thriller so the above are quite a contrast.

    However, I feel I'm missing out on something?

    I'd appreciate any input for or against.

  • Thanks for the recommendation! ^^

    It's ok I get a lot of the too sensitive from my own mum

    So I'm used to it lol XD 

    I bet it will be an amazing book though I love autism books it's supportive and helpful to read them.

  • The Starless Sea is a wonderful story. An uplifting magical adventure with lots of twists and turns. Have you read The Night Circus? It's written by the same author and both have beautifully designed covers for the books.

    I have both and have read them many times. They never grow old. Wonderfully beautiful stories both of them.

  • I love reading. Absolutely love it. The feel of a book in my hands... the smell... my Heaven! 

    Book recommendations. Well the latest book I've bought and am currently reading is Rambling Man: My Life On The Road by Billy Connolly. It's a lighthearted read so far with humour thrown in as well, to be expected with a Billy Connolly book.

    Another recommendation I have is I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith. It was written during WW2 and I feel is an absolute treasure. It's warm, funny in places and is just a really good story. I've thoroughly enjoyed it every time I've read it. I recommend it to anyone who loves reading.

  • If you like an amusing trist on things like mythology and even some fantast themes then I can recommend Tom Holt - he writes some wonderfully twisted comedies around historic tales like the Norse Gods, The Flying Dutchman, King Arthur, the Crusades (with some time travel thrown in) and even some historical figures like Faust.

    Thanks, I'll look into that.

  • Yes I would.

    I found out about the book as I follow the author’s Instagram account where she creates content about her neurodivergent experiences.

    The book is split into 2 sections alternating between when the author was a young unidentified neurodivergent 11 year old to a recently discovered autistic ADHDer aged 26.

    Just to warn you though in the sections written from a child’s perspective there is a lot of gaslighting from parents, being told she is ‘too sensitive’ and more.

     I just thought I would warn you in case these kinds of things are triggers for you.

    There is some very good insight about what it feels like to experience shutdowns and also in the sections written after autistic discovery it’s nice to to read about her growing passion for neurodiversity and the autistic community including self advocacy.

     I hope you enjoy the book! It is available on Amazon! Smile

  • That sounds really good. Would you recommend it? :) 

  • I have just finished 'What I Wish You Knew', a memoir by an AUDHD'er Speech and Language Therapist!

  • I liked the work of Thom Sharpe

    If you like an amusing trist on things like mythology and even some fantast themes then I can recommend Tom Holt - he writes some wonderfully twisted comedies around historic tales like the Norse Gods, The Flying Dutchman, King Arthur, the Crusades (with some time travel thrown in) and even some historical figures like Faust.

    It helps to have a little context around the people / situations / legends in question (easily found in Wikipedia) but they are not necessary to enjoy the writing.

  • The Kindle is a great thing to have, I look at Amazon top 100 free kindle books on the Amazon web site and download any that I think that I would like.  Reading these passes the time on the bus to and from work and being ebooks they don't clutter up my flat.

    I liked the work of Thom Sharpe who wrote amusing books (some of which were televised or made into films).  He died about ten years ago - does anyone know of a writer of similar books?

  • Excuse my cutting in here, but do give it a read if you're able to. It's a very good book and I thoroughly enjoyed it, though again it's not a happy ever after sort of a book. Read In the Skin of a Lion as well,

    Thank you.

    I love recommendations Blush

  • Excuse my cutting in here, but do give it a read if you're able to. It's a very good book and I thoroughly enjoyed it, though again it's not a happy ever after sort of a book. Read In the Skin of a Lion as well, both are excellent and features some of the same characters.

  • I’m reading One of is Lying by Karen M. McManus it’s a mystery YA Book^_^ I would recommend it as it’s pretty good 

  • The English Patient

    I haven't read that but I must.

    I saw the film by the late Anthony Menghella.

    As an aside, I was sitting in the departure lounge for the Isle of Wight ferry once and around 4 foot away sat the aforementioned with Helena Bonham-Carter.

    The boyfriend I was with kept staring at them but, as has been the case when I've happened upon other famous people, I didn't want to stare, as I hate been stared at myself (which was common when I was young) but I really wanted to look at them, so felt very awkward.