Book club

What are you reading at the moment?

Any recommendations?

I mainly read crime novels but have run out of new ones so am re-reading Graham Greene.

I am on Brighton Rock at the moment.

On a kindle due to eyesight issues.

  • The Kindle is a great thing to have, I look at Amazon top 100 free kindle books on the Amazon web site and download any that I think that I would like.  Reading these passes the time on the bus to and from work and being ebooks they don't clutter up my flat.

    I liked the work of Thom Sharpe who wrote amusing books (some of which were televised or made into films).  He died about ten years ago - does anyone know of a writer of similar books?

  • I liked the work of Thom Sharpe

    If you like an amusing trist on things like mythology and even some fantast themes then I can recommend Tom Holt - he writes some wonderfully twisted comedies around historic tales like the Norse Gods, The Flying Dutchman, King Arthur, the Crusades (with some time travel thrown in) and even some historical figures like Faust.

    It helps to have a little context around the people / situations / legends in question (easily found in Wikipedia) but they are not necessary to enjoy the writing.

  • If you like an amusing trist on things like mythology and even some fantast themes then I can recommend Tom Holt - he writes some wonderfully twisted comedies around historic tales like the Norse Gods, The Flying Dutchman, King Arthur, the Crusades (with some time travel thrown in) and even some historical figures like Faust.

    Thanks, I'll look into that.

  • If you like an amusing trist on things like mythology and even some fantast themes then I can recommend Tom Holt - he writes some wonderfully twisted comedies around historic tales like the Norse Gods, The Flying Dutchman, King Arthur, the Crusades (with some time travel thrown in) and even some historical figures like Faust.

    Thanks, I'll look into that.

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