Book club

What are you reading at the moment?

Any recommendations?

I mainly read crime novels but have run out of new ones so am re-reading Graham Greene.

I am on Brighton Rock at the moment.

On a kindle due to eyesight issues.

  • I have just finished 'What I Wish You Knew', a memoir by an AUDHD'er Speech and Language Therapist!

  • That sounds really good. Would you recommend it? :) 

  • Yes I would.

    I found out about the book as I follow the author’s Instagram account where she creates content about her neurodivergent experiences.

    The book is split into 2 sections alternating between when the author was a young unidentified neurodivergent 11 year old to a recently discovered autistic ADHDer aged 26.

    Just to warn you though in the sections written from a child’s perspective there is a lot of gaslighting from parents, being told she is ‘too sensitive’ and more.

     I just thought I would warn you in case these kinds of things are triggers for you.

    There is some very good insight about what it feels like to experience shutdowns and also in the sections written after autistic discovery it’s nice to to read about her growing passion for neurodiversity and the autistic community including self advocacy.

     I hope you enjoy the book! It is available on Amazon! Smile

  • Yes I would.

    I found out about the book as I follow the author’s Instagram account where she creates content about her neurodivergent experiences.

    The book is split into 2 sections alternating between when the author was a young unidentified neurodivergent 11 year old to a recently discovered autistic ADHDer aged 26.

    Just to warn you though in the sections written from a child’s perspective there is a lot of gaslighting from parents, being told she is ‘too sensitive’ and more.

     I just thought I would warn you in case these kinds of things are triggers for you.

    There is some very good insight about what it feels like to experience shutdowns and also in the sections written after autistic discovery it’s nice to to read about her growing passion for neurodiversity and the autistic community including self advocacy.

     I hope you enjoy the book! It is available on Amazon! Smile
