Square Peg

There are some people in this world that don't fit in, they are seen as different, and they just don't care!

Do you think this is impossible? Or is this just a superpower that I don't have?

I often dont fit in, nothing new for a ND person here, but I also really hate that I don't.

How do you manage this feeling? Are you one of the superheroes that don't care? What's the secret??

  • odds are he is autistic, I saw him last 8 years ago, long before I had any idea, and we talk mostly online, only about games or if rarely I go home we get drunk, though he is married now and has a baby, I never asked him about his haircut, I'd rather avoid antagonising him accidently, maybe he would turn prickly about it, I have no idea how to predict outcome of something like that, and he is the only one from my home city of 40k people

    maybe because he is McGyver fun 


    his looks like that on a good day and I think it's when his mom makes him use a comb, you might imagine how it can be for a geek without dad

  • For fashion, or does he genuinely not care? He might be a superhero

  • Breaking Bad is quite good, an eye opener, yes he has a nice lawyer who owns beauty saloon Smiley

    I forgot the only buddy from school years who stayed in my city and we keep contact he never stopped having 19080 hairstyle LOL

  • Yep - ever so slowly is my experience - but definitely getting somewhere now - blinking in the bright sunshine of a brave new world!  Keep your sunglasses on !!

  • To be honest with you JT, whilst I would love to try and fix the world with you, I think I'm going to be pretty busy fixing my own messes for a while and trying not to create more.  But again, I love your positivity and optimism - keep it coming !

  • I have wasted a lot of my life doing the same thing. Its good that we are not doing that anymore.

    I am going through burnout now and I think that, ever so slowly, I am starting to emerge as myself 

  • Completely agree. Its like this modern obsession with social media, I never understand for the life of me why people want to endlessly take photos of themselves and then spend their day scrolling through photos of people they dont even care about instead of experiencing creation or reading a book. Makes no sense to me.

    Neither does people who constantly work out at the gym all day, wear t shirts so tight they cant even breathe, and then tell everyone what an amazing person they are cos they have a perfect body. Sorry but your body shape has absolutley nothing to do with your worth as a person, it is irrelivant, so these people have basically wasted all their time on something that does not matter

    Its all about image 

  • Everyone masks to some degree, even neurotypicals. If every person behaved in public exactly as their inner self suggested that they should, with no filter or public persona, there would be social chaos. 

    The elusive goal is to get a balance between masking enough to survive in society and not masking so much that it exhausts your energy completely, adversely affects your mental wellbeing and your sense of self.

  • Had to look up who Mr White was; I never watch modern TV shows.

    I also have a good Lawyer. Slight smile

  • I've seen people with 1980s hairstyle recently LOL

    I do beard and mustache Mr White style

  • If you are drinking out of a bucket, you may want to adjust slightly, as you probably have a moustache, and that's SOO 1980s ...which is probably now back in fashion .lol

  • Cluck Slight smile

    Ive actually found, since I live near Brighton, UK, there are many more people these days looking for a more transparent world. Even many NT people are waking up to the BS.

    Although I realise I live in a forward thinking liberal place.

    I used to live in London (never again!!) where there is so much BS posturing & status sharing it made me sick, literally I'm afraid to say. But in amongst the BS spouting mob, are always the voices of reason, those that call "BS!" when the time is right. Unfortunately, these risk takers often find a entrepreneurial or creative future is the only place they'll (we'll) thrive.

    ...the life of Elon (as much as I dislike many aspects of his approach atm) tells the story; stand up, be different, but be bold. Humanity will take big, Mars roving moon'like steps, into a more evolved future.

    I like to think, nature doesn't make mistakes, and evolution is creating increasing amounts of autistic minds, perhaps, to remedy the NT mess we are living in ...we should all be ensuring we are busy Slight smile fixing their mess,!! Slight smile

  • I'd rather say a mug or a jug, or a bucket instead of glass Stuck out tongue we are of entirely different variety

  • Thats inspiring to know, well done you!

    Yes Tony Attwood. He has two autistic kids I think, so knows it personally. Still think we need Aspies becoming specialists on it as, we know!!

    Slight smile

    There are so many positives about being on the spectrum, just gotta see the cup as half full I guess.

    I'm just getting frustrated and being impatient with myself I guess, no shortcuts to life's journey

  • I love your comparison Smiley

    Have you heard what Dr Tony Attwood said along those lines?

    I believe in our purpose as well, I just stopped believing that we have to suffer, because it ended for me once I stopped being bothered by it

  • Tell me 'bout it ! ..... I've become very discerning over my company.  It is more lonely but I'm finding it much more gratifying to try and only be around people who appear to me as authentic souls.  There aren't many.

    I'm sick of the trite and self satisfied people who seem to be everywhere in this NT constructed reality show.  It simply isn't interesting to me and I can't understand why virtually everyone is so happy to do "the latest thing."  Don't people have minds anymore?

    .....but the vibes in this place are very comforting.  Nice to make your acquaintance  JT.  I look forward to more of this - we do seem to be hatched from the same hen!

  • That's pretty grandiose and idealistic - but I think we are all in need of a little of that type of optimism.  So thanks for it.

  • I like to think, in the vain of trying to find a silver lining, that we exist to help humanity progress. If it weren't for those of us who are the Forager bees of the hive, we'd all be Drones who were trying to mate with the queen bee. Nothing would progress, no advancent in evolution would occur.

    Or have I drunk the autism cool aid here?

    I believe in our purpose. I guess we just have to suffer the loneliness of that challenge as consequence

  • Wow. Your story, is my story. I am that bombastic, exotic, invite along with someone else guy.

    Now I'm taking the mask off, because I actually care if I get along with said hosts, I'm finding my awkward, social handgranade self, isn't happy with that.

    Without the masks I'm too left field. But I am trying to make progress with other left field people of my pedigree

    It ain't easy

  • I am not one of the superheroes, and I wish I was. I have an agonising combination of needing to be authentic and individualistic, and yet  feeling at best uncomfortable, at worst distressed, about how my defaulting to minority or even anomalous status in many realms leaves me exposed to the tortuous silent or vocal (by turns) judgement of NT-biased societal consensus. 

    But it's better to be one's true self than fit in, have an outward cushion of conformist comfort, and an inner core screaming soundlessly in protest at the suppression of the true self - with a total breakdown (rather than regular burnout) deferred to a future point with a scarily unknowable end-point on the countdown clock.