Square Peg

There are some people in this world that don't fit in, they are seen as different, and they just don't care!

Do you think this is impossible? Or is this just a superpower that I don't have?

I often dont fit in, nothing new for a ND person here, but I also really hate that I don't.

How do you manage this feeling? Are you one of the superheroes that don't care? What's the secret??

  • Hi JT,

    I genuinely didn't care that I didn't fit in.  It certainly helped that I thought I was just a 'unique' NT.

    I found that NT's quite enjoyed me NOT fitting in.  I was weird and exotic - socially, in my interests, and in my work.

    I got invited to cool stuff as the 'fun odd-ball' who also knew how to switch to "socially acceptable" at the drop of a hat, if required.

    I was really happy being "that version" of different.  Now surely - that sounds like the mythical superpower to which you refer?

    My secret to not caring was efficient social masking (I found bombastic and "edgy" worked well) with a quasi-arrogant delivery.

    I report it as "efficient" because I was able to entirely fool myself along with (almost) everyone else - albeit with ever decreasing effectiveness.

    My 'superpower' did work for me for ages, but it increasingly exhausted me and I became really lonely, just longing for any genuine connections.  I did find some, but very few.

    My masks kept falling off with frightening regularity and it scared people, and myself.  I became known as unsettlingly unpredictable.

    The people I didn't scare off drifted away from me as they grew up whilst I tried (in vain) to doggedly obstruct change and retard progress.

    Eventually, I burnt out.  Horrible.  The only profound upside (for me) was that I was forced to discover, and then emerge, as myself.

    I've started again - much calmer (ironically enough) but I've wasted a lot of my life pretending and trying to please others.

    Superheroes are actually the ones who live their own authentic lives - in my opinion.

    Self-deluded and uninformed ND's might appear to be superheroes for a while, but I strongly suspect that they eventually end up flying too close to the sun and burning up, like me.  The devastatingly sad statistics regarding adult ASD's certainly support that perspective.

     I thought I was fitting in, by trying not to fit in - too much !?!  I wish I had been braver and more self-aware.

    My NT life was a discombobulating mess.  My emerging ND life is .....................[I'll let you know when I do!]

    I hope the above is useful or interesting  to you and that you are, and will remain, a happy human.

  • I'm in the unmasking phase too

    It took me 1year and 10 months after selfidentification to realise that even though my mind is scientifically inclined I can do creative writing. even though I didn't write anything longer then thesis at the end of college during my adult years, and it was financial auditor's report

  • Great you have found your direction.

    I have also done the same, I am an artist making good progress in that world, but, it still bothers me a lot.

    I only got a diagnosis at 40, so the last 2 months I have been adjusting a lot ...getting there, but a long way to go.

    Think I'm in the unmasking phase, at the beginning

  • You need to stop trying to do it allistic way

    autistic way is find your own way, and don't get bothered with fitting in

    find what I call 'radical solution' that will work for you

    I discovered i can do creative writing and decided to write a book