BASS waiting list times BATH/BRISTOL

It may not seem like a long time but I was referred to BASS for an ASD diagnosis in mid February of this year and got the processing paperwork and screening questionnaire in mid march. Its now been almost 8 months and I have heard nothing in regards to my first appointment. Anyone have any experience with the service and can tell me how long they waited?

  • BASS is one of the few areas that does has a full follow up service, including hospital passports, anxiety and post diagnosis courses. I agree that their diagnostic services can leave some things to be desired, but post diagnosis they are considered some of the best post diagnostic ongoing support in the country.

    I'm sorry if you haven't experienced this. Can I ask which area of BASS's remit are you in? BANES, Bristol, North Somerset or South Glos?

  • BASS clearly have no idea that some people that identify as autistic have major reservations about phone calls, using the phone, using tech, "making a nuisance of themselves". BASS, as I said below, are total waste of time, don't keep up with the current (female) presentation of autism and never diagnose. 

  • Don't rely on BASS - total charlatans, don't diagnose at all, and even if they do (amazingly) there is no follow up. See the FAILED by BASS Facebook page for reams of people failed by them. 

  • I’m very close to asking my GP to use RTC for autism as well as adhd. The lack of diagnosis means every meltdown is still being treated as if I have BPD and this is causing me massive problems as they refuse to acknowledge I may have autism instead getting confused that I don’t understand things. 

  • I wish I could be that optimistic. I was referred August 2020. Triage in April 2021. It’s now nearly august 2022 and I’ve been near the top of the waiting list since then. They keep saying the hold up is informant interviews. At the moment they’re doing just TWO a week after months of not doing any. They are not fit for purpose at all. My therapist is chasing and getting told that it’s not her business to chase and that I should (I hate phone calls) and my GP is adamant my adhd assessment from RTC with psychiatry UK will be faster at this rate. 

  • I don't know if it's relevant to BASS or not, but there's a page on the Lancashire Autism Service web page explaining that since covid is affecting the administration of referrals it's often a few months before they even receive referrals from the NHS, so there's a good chance BASS haven't even heard of you yet.

  • Yeah I had the same experience, within a month I got a letter confirming I had been referred. Royal Mail is delayed at the moment but I’d try and get in contact with BASS and your GP

  • No that doesn't sound right. I had a letter saying I was referred less than a month after I was referred. Although it then took another 7 months to get a triage appointment. I'd follow up with your gp if you don't have a number for BASS

  • Hi, I was referred to BASS in October and have not heard a single thing, no letter of even confirming my referral or anything... should I have heard something by now or is this pretty standard? Thank you Slight smile

  • Hi Dawn, BASS is the service that does adult diagnosis and support for autism in our area. They did give a phone number but won't tell you where you are in the queue but have been known to 'lose' people on the list so calling is a good idea every 6+months or so to check you haven't been missed. BASS do a two stage diagnosis, a triage call first, generally just less than a year, where they decide if they think you need a full assessment, and then the assessment, usually about a year later. So the overall waiting time from referral to diagnosis is still 2+ years, it's just split up so they have a shorter 'referral to first care contact' time.

  • Not sure what BASS is in your area, but average NHS wIting time is a couple of years or more - deep heavy sigh - no, not good enough! Did they give you a phone number to ring to check where you are in the queue?

  • Yeah they don't like a lot of notice do they. Not great for an autism centre which should know how difficult many autistic people find sudden events and change in my opinion, but it's good you've got your appointment. I hope it goes well, my people were nice and I hope yours are too. 

  • I read that waiting lists near doubled a couple of months ago in UK due to the current pandemic difficulties.

  • Try 4 years. The waiting list is insanely long on the NHS but as I've said before when you get it especially if your in England there's not much support after 

  • It went well, I was seen by two men (one autism specialist and the other a psychologist who was sort of in the background).

    It lasted about fifty minutes and they asked questions along the lines of 'why do you feel that autism is a possible diagnosis for you?', 'what difficulties do you experience on a daily basis' etc and I answered as best I could. Before they get into the austism related questions they have to ask some things about your mental health that could be a bit uncomfortable, but it's just a formality.

    They were very clear about the two possible outcomes of the session being either my case would be taken forwards or it would be concluded that I wasn't autistic and that would be that. 

    Once I'd talked to them for a while, they then turned their cameras and mics off for about a minute to discuss, and returned to say they would be taking my case further. Which basically means that I'm now on the waiting list for a more in depth screening process (should be about a nine month wait or so). 

    It was a bit nerve-wracking beforehand, but ultimately it was fine and went quite quickly!

    I hope this answers your question? Good luck for your appointment, I hope it goes well! 

  • I just got my triage appointment at it was the same, random call in the afternoon from a number with no caller ID, appointment in 5 days time which is quite stressful 

  • Oh, I’ve only just seen this reply. Could I ask how your triage appt went? I have mine in less than a week

  • I'm having my first triage appointment after about eight months of not hearing back -- turns out they sent the initial form to my uni's post office when I was in-between accommodation but I didn't hear back from them even after I got them to re-send the form via email.

    It took a bit of badgering on my part to get this appointment. I had to email after about three months to check if they'd received my emailed form and then they eventually replied with a time and date for a triage appointment.

    I couldn't make it due to classes so I emailed back with my available times and days to which they didn't respond until I emailed a second time. Finally I managed to get my appointment for this Tuesday.

    Honestly, I'm not looking forward to the wait or the constant checking up I'll have to do if they decide to progress my diagnosis further. It's really quite ridiculous how badly most cases seem to be handled. 

  • Tried calling but it just rings out and last time I emailed I never got a reply

  • My GP said it could be years if I waited for the NHS.  She said the wait time before C-19 was "a bit stupid" and she dreaded to think what it is now.