Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • who am i mocking here? .....ill chalk it down to you being a more severe case of autism if you couldnt spot this as a friendly social interaction. but yeah this one was pretty obvious to anyone else.

    edit: unless you hate the song, then yeah sorry about that lol

    Asking who you are mocking and then by way of apology mocking them with the Laugh Out Loud acronym ~ that was completely and utterly out of order.

  • Speaking as someone who’s had a hard time all my life being bullied for trying to be me I think it’s wrong that people are not willing to accept that others have opinions and insist on bullying their views across. I feel a lot of emotions and can get upset over what seems a trivial thing.. but to me is traumatising. Nobody seems to understand this. I’ve had a very crap 18 months which included the dreaded covid over Xmas last year. But genuine support doesn’t seem to exist. Both males and females suffer autism in their own individual way and stereotypical bull roar is so annoying. You don’t look autistic is something I hate hearing. 

  • use "More" > "report as abusive" and the moderators will gradually deal with them

    I love the way you try to get others to do your dirty work.

  • use "More" > "report as abusive" and the moderators will gradually deal with them

  • When did I say anything about wanting 'men-free spaces', or that 'men are the bad guys for existing'? I said absolutely nothing of the kind. I don't go in for all that nonsense, I'm not a TERF. I think it might be you projecting this time.

  • by the disregard for her feelings and her sensitivities regarding the subject

    you mean the subject being the implication that autism is a mans world and that somehow men are again the bad guy for supposedly just existing of which she seems to take some sort of offence at the existance of men in spaces she is and seems to want men free spaces?

    No ~ that is not what I meant.

    Mykal stated that the more he read Giraffe's post the more ridiculous he found it to be, not appreciating that as such he was stating that her feelings and thoughts were more and more worthy of mockery and laughter ~ and not in his opinion to be taken seriously.

    What I meant therefore was that Mykal had made a serious error of judgement, you had joined in by adding to and compounding that erroneous mistake ~ and nothing more.

  • by the disregard for her feelings and her sensitivities regarding the subject

    you mean the subject being the implication that autism is a mans world and that somehow men are again the bad guy for supposedly just existing of which she seems to take some sort of offence at the existance of men in spaces she is and seems to want men free spaces? of which im sure she can find in places specifically designated to be that but it gets a bit aggressive when you take that ideology to places it shouldnt belong and it does get a bit divisive.... why should you hate people based on their gender or whatever they have between their legs? that shouldnt matter... and to bring it up as if the existence of men in the autism community is a bad thing is rather like going on the offensive against men for no reason other than the fact they are men and they exist... so i fail to see how the one on the offence is really the one that is a victim... you cant be the victim whilst going on the offence.... you are the offender if you go on the offence, and thus there is usually little care for sensitivity when dealing with a person going on the offence.

    and personally, i find there is a pretty nice mix of male and female in here... it isnt one sided... it has a good mix.... if she feels that she isnt accepted and chalks it down to being female, then i dunno.... theres enough females.... it cant be mens fault, if she feels not accepted then that means given the amount of females here it means she feels shes not accepted by them too, but yet she targeted men specifically despite there being just as much females on this site. was she specifically looking for male interaction and friends perhaps and feels she hadnt got it? .... i mean males do show friendship in other ways, such as jokes and banter type behavior in which i even tried on here and she flipped at me for.... perhaps she wanted male friends but she just cant understand the male behavior to understand and spot how males actually be friendly?

  • ironicly all of those accusations you have spouted at people are very judgemental accusations themselves.... so perhaps.... perhaps you are right about it...

    There is no irony in what  had to state, and although judgemental in respect of the latter content, the assessment of the problems she addressed was very much accordant with the facts of the matter, and she was justifiably upset and angered by the disregard for her feelings and her sensitivities regarding the subject . 

    As for:

    because you are the person you describe... you are that judgemental person and you even jump on people and try to gang up with others and gang jump on a single person.... so yeah, projecting... look in the mirror.... reflect on what you see for that is you...

    Unfortunately you are attributing other problems without considering the nature of the first inflammatory statement, which was neither appropriate nor was it befitting ~ so making out that is at fault, was your mistake.

  • I don't blame you. Life is too short to be spending it on an Internet forum. I need to take my own advice really. Don't feel stupid, you have a right to ask questions and start a discussion. Take care.

  • I know your comment wasn't aimed at anyone - it certainly didn't feel like a jibe - and my apology was sincere. Absolutely, I am going. I feel so stupid for staying here and defending myself.

  • Giraffe, I didn't call you ridiculous. Please don't extrapolate meanings from my words where there are none. 

    The more times I read this post, the more ridiculous it seems.

    The more times I read *this post*, the more ridiculous *it* seems. *It* being the notion that the autistic world (I wish I knew where this world was) is a male-dominated world. That is what ridiculous refers back to. It's not healthy to take everything people say as a personal attack.

    Words are structural representations of people's feelings ~ never where support is required call anybody's post ridiculous as that means you are announcing that the summation of their feelings and thoughts is a laughing stock and deserves to be mocked.
    That was seriously out of order.

  • Of course. (I hope you don't think my last response was a personal jibe at anyone...I'm trying my best not to get sucked in). You said in your original post you were not wanting to be provocative.  I would say if you are not well, take some time off the forum. If feel it does me no good a lot of the time.

  • THIS! And I really am sorry if I caused trouble here. I'm not someone who is confrontational typically, and I'm also not well right now. I thought this was a safe space and I was entirely open to people disagreeing, but whilst these posters accuse others of ganging up, they are actually the ones ganging up. I'm going to stop talking now as I fear I'm going to start sounding like the children in my class. I have more dignity than this. But I am incredibly upset and feel so isolated from this community. This is not a place of support - it is yet another breeding ground for aggressive internet trolls.

  • I think maybe because you havent experienced life from the viewpoint of an autistic female, its difficult to understand the perspective.

  • Everything aside...who on earth are you to question people's diagnoses?

  • Giraffe, I've really enjoyed the topic that you brought up. Its good to have a debate about it. Thank you for bringing it up for discussion.  It's just a shame when the discussions become personal.

  • Are you saying that because I am male and the OP was female, my opinion is strongly prejudiced against women?

    It makes no difference what your sex or gender is ~ the insults of snowflake / snowflakery were out of order no matter how comfortable you are about using belittling and demeaning slang terms, and going for another attack involving an accusation of sexism to defend yourself ~ has not shown any supportive inclinations as such.

    Essentially such slang terms and personal attacks are referred to as toxic or violent language ~ as it causes harm in terms of hurting peoples feelings and aggravating them, as can be considered and learnt from in order to stop using toxic language via the following video by Jade Joddle:

    Remember ~ the purpose of this website is that the community supports one another, with the fourth rule stating:

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated. (updated February 2020)

    Resist the aggressive compulsions because they are ugly, but persist with your compassionate qualities instead, because not only have they been beautiful, but exquisite in their written elegance too.

    Sort the problem out.

  • Are you saying that because I am male and the OP was female, my opinion is strongly prejudiced against women?

  • aye i pointed something similar out in another thread in which i pointed out that they all want to enforce societal accepted lies and not go by logic and thus i said they all sound more NT than anything with the way they wanna shove a square peg in a round hole and then lie that it fits and call everyone else bigots who dares to point out its the wrong hole or dares to ask a explanation of how it even fits when it clearly doesnt. this is NT behavior, it isnt logical.