Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • Exactly my point. Women can be described by men as too sensitive, thus belittling their problems. 

  • Giraffe, I didn't call you ridiculous. Please don't extrapolate meanings from my words where there are none. 

    The more times I read this post, the more ridiculous it seems.

    The more times I read *this post*, the more ridiculous *it* seems. *It* being the notion that the autistic world (I wish I knew where this world was) is a male-dominated world. That is what ridiculous refers back to. It's not healthy to take everything people say as a personal attack.

  • I don't know autistic males. Of the three people I know with autism, all three are females (of various sexualities). And so, when an assessment was suggested to me, my initial thought was why would they think a male has autism? Is it because I'm gay?

    So, I suppose, it's our experiences and confirmation biases that are actually more significant than the statistics. 

  • or maybe its not my anger your feeling, but your own anger at my posts that you instead need to come to terms with and let out somehow?

    buy a boxing bag, put it in corner of your room and any time you read a post that makes you mad perhaps hit the boxing bag instead of claiming the other person is mad instead. the other person just types alot and you get mad over the things you read that they typed.

    i mean i dont get why youd be mad at mycals response as his is just a response of the crazy assumption that autism is a mans world, he didnt bring this up, the OP/you did and he just responded by pointing out the needless gendering which usually only causes arguments anyway when you gender things that doesnt even have a gender. then i guess you got mad at his comment and probably got mad at all the comments in here and then had some form of meltdown and then projected your own anger onto what we wrote, rather than recognizing that the anger is your own anger at what we wrote.

  • You need help, and I mean that sincerely, not as a cheap insult. You need someone to help you manage your anger. Your posts make me fear for you and the people around you.

  • ironicly all of those accusations you have spouted at people are very judgemental accusations themselves.... so perhaps.... perhaps you are right about it... because you are the person you describe... you are that judgemental person and you even jump on people and try to gang up with others and gang jump on a single person.... so yeah, projecting... look in the mirror.... reflect on what you see for that is you...

  • who am i mocking here? .....ill chalk it down to you being a more severe case of autism if you couldnt spot this as a friendly social interaction. but yeah this one was pretty obvious to anyone else.

    edit: unless you hate the song, then yeah sorry about that lol

  • Stop mocking people and start actually caring about their feelings.

  • I never said Autism had a sex or gender. I said that I felt it was a male-dominated world. It's traditionally been thought of as a male thing and still is by a lot of people; they're wrong, but the belief is there, and that continues to prevent a lot of Autistic women from getting the help they need. What's more is my question was a genuine question asked because of my own experiences, not a declaration. Honestly, I'm sick of this site and the jumping on people. This is no place if you actually need support. It's a load of unkind, judgemental, narcissistic people shouting into an echo-chamber, only wanting to air their opinions, thinking they're great philosophers, and not actually wanting to offer peer support. You have no right to call anyone 'ridiculous'. I've never called you 'ridiculous'. You people do nothing for the negative stereotypes against us. Absolutely nothing.

  • I hate that term. And I think without fully knowing the details that could be quite insulting.  

  • Of course it doesn't.  But don't forget the whole concept of autism was first built on observation of males. Already women are a step behind because it's still seen as a stereotypical "male" thing. And this idea is still held by many medical professionals such as GPs who don't refer female patients or other professionals who don't consider autism when treating mental health. Im making generalisations here, but women can be seen by some as being "overly dramatic" and with this stereotypical opinion of a woman,  the discussion is shut down so they don't get the help they need.

  • Haha. I loathe that song. I'm currently learning the piano part for Heard It Through The Grapevine. Now *that's* a tune!

  • whats even more shocking is that no one has even replied "..buts its nothing.... NOTHIING.... without a woman or a girrrl" lol

  • The more times I read this post, the more ridiculous it seems. How can Autism be a man's world? Autism doesn't have a sex or gender. 

  • "When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation."

    Male opinion incoming!!!  Be prepared for bluntness!!  Ok so it's difficult to judge this out of context, or I may have just misunderstood, but you make it sound like you've tried to exercise emotional privilege to shut down a conversation for whatever reason.  So pretty much people are going to discuss these topics when you're not around and the topic of discussion is now lacking whatever value your input might have had.  And now you feel left out because people feel like they need to be careful what they say around you.  Is this because you are female?  Preposterous.  Not even a little bit.  You seem to be suggesting women somehow aren't able to participate in 'uncomfortable' discourse and hold their own.  You probably just need to toughen up a little.

  • Yeah, I agree with that. There's a purpose for everything and everyone. And it's better to have a maverick in government than the usual fake career politician. But she's not a maverick. She's very much a fake career politician. It's just that she's not a smart one.

    And the problem with using a monster to catch a monster is that at some point, you lose control of the monster...

  • No, no, no. Trump was not a monster. He was outspoken and divisive, and politically incorrect (which I loved about him) but he wasn't evil and manipulative like Patel. She makes my skin crawl. She's cut from the same cloth as Hancock, and it's a sinister material.

  • ah i dont see much income potential in martial arts unless you perhaps teach kids classes which by the way kids classes are all a scam, you cannot teach kids at all, all you can do is farm them for money, they dont have the ability to even move their hands correctly in the correct shapes and patterns no matter how much you show them and dont seem to have very good muscle memory. fitness is a over saturated market too. but i think if worse comes to worse i could possibly somehow maybe kinda make it like a last resort busking kinda thing out of either one of them perhaps.... like probably be a weird hobo that lives in a woodland who can teach you kung fu lmao