Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • "When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation."

    Male opinion incoming!!!  Be prepared for bluntness!!  Ok so it's difficult to judge this out of context, or I may have just misunderstood, but you make it sound like you've tried to exercise emotional privilege to shut down a conversation for whatever reason.  So pretty much people are going to discuss these topics when you're not around and the topic of discussion is now lacking whatever value your input might have had.  And now you feel left out because people feel like they need to be careful what they say around you.  Is this because you are female?  Preposterous.  Not even a little bit.  You seem to be suggesting women somehow aren't able to participate in 'uncomfortable' discourse and hold their own.  You probably just need to toughen up a little.

  • I hate that term. And I think without fully knowing the details that could be quite insulting.  

  • Are you saying that because I am male and the OP was female, my opinion is strongly prejudiced against women?

    It makes no difference what your sex or gender is ~ the insults of snowflake / snowflakery were out of order no matter how comfortable you are about using belittling and demeaning slang terms, and going for another attack involving an accusation of sexism to defend yourself ~ has not shown any supportive inclinations as such.

    Essentially such slang terms and personal attacks are referred to as toxic or violent language ~ as it causes harm in terms of hurting peoples feelings and aggravating them, as can be considered and learnt from in order to stop using toxic language via the following video by Jade Joddle:

    Remember ~ the purpose of this website is that the community supports one another, with the fourth rule stating:

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated. (updated February 2020)

    Resist the aggressive compulsions because they are ugly, but persist with your compassionate qualities instead, because not only have they been beautiful, but exquisite in their written elegance too.

    Sort the problem out.

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