Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • The more times I read this post, the more ridiculous it seems. How can Autism be a man's world? Autism doesn't have a sex or gender. 

  • I never said Autism had a sex or gender. I said that I felt it was a male-dominated world. It's traditionally been thought of as a male thing and still is by a lot of people; they're wrong, but the belief is there, and that continues to prevent a lot of Autistic women from getting the help they need. What's more is my question was a genuine question asked because of my own experiences, not a declaration. Honestly, I'm sick of this site and the jumping on people. This is no place if you actually need support. It's a load of unkind, judgemental, narcissistic people shouting into an echo-chamber, only wanting to air their opinions, thinking they're great philosophers, and not actually wanting to offer peer support. You have no right to call anyone 'ridiculous'. I've never called you 'ridiculous'. You people do nothing for the negative stereotypes against us. Absolutely nothing.

  • Speaking as someone who’s had a hard time all my life being bullied for trying to be me I think it’s wrong that people are not willing to accept that others have opinions and insist on bullying their views across. I feel a lot of emotions and can get upset over what seems a trivial thing.. but to me is traumatising. Nobody seems to understand this. I’ve had a very crap 18 months which included the dreaded covid over Xmas last year. But genuine support doesn’t seem to exist. Both males and females suffer autism in their own individual way and stereotypical bull roar is so annoying. You don’t look autistic is something I hate hearing. 

  • Speaking as someone who’s had a hard time all my life being bullied for trying to be me I think it’s wrong that people are not willing to accept that others have opinions and insist on bullying their views across. I feel a lot of emotions and can get upset over what seems a trivial thing.. but to me is traumatising. Nobody seems to understand this. I’ve had a very crap 18 months which included the dreaded covid over Xmas last year. But genuine support doesn’t seem to exist. Both males and females suffer autism in their own individual way and stereotypical bull roar is so annoying. You don’t look autistic is something I hate hearing. 

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