Energy Healing

I'm newly on the NHS waiting list for an adult autism assessment.

Also recently enrolled in a pet therapy course which includes energy healing. I'm struggling with the latter part but don't know if it's me and being new to it or any potential spectrum effects blocking it.

Google is no help as it just returns results for energy healing helping autism.

Can an autistic person successfully train in and use energy healing or am I wasting my time trying?

  • complete scam ignore this rubbish

    How much of it have you read and upon what evidence do you refute it ?

  • complete scam ignore this rubbish

  • complete scam ignore this rubbish

  • Can an autistic person successfully train in and use energy healing or am I wasting my time trying?

    Autistic people can train in energy healing and even as a result burn themselves out due to professional demand like I did initially ~ big oops!   

    One technique that one might try to get a feel for hands on or off healing that is also used by some teachers of the martial art Tai Chi and others likewise ~ involves one creating an energy ball by first firmly pressing one's hands together vertically for several minutes as if paying, and then once your arms and hands start to get lightly achy and trembly ~ gently and slowly as if unsquashing and resquashing a ball part your hands increasingly until they are about six to twelve inches apart, as having pressurised the energy ball to some extent.

    This exercise involves using 'pre-loaded' muscle memory and Chi energy, which can involve feeling as if a cool breeze is getting drawn in through the fingers into the developing space between the hands as they are drawn apart.

    Here follows is another exercise involving energy ball work from a Tai Chi type:

    And another from Qi Gong:

    If those may be of any assistance?

  • @Trei can't message, can't friend request.

  • To Pikl

    Energy healing done wrong depletes the provider. The modality I'm learning focuses on protecting my own energy and using yin/yang energy from around my body to channel into animals.

    Animals cannot lie and I have seen energy healing from an experienced practitioner work on a previous dog I owned. He stood free a few feet away from her with his back flesh twitching and the next morning sat on the back doorstep for ages 'suckling' with an active tongue, both new things. In the weeks after his treatments he was noticeably more comfortable in his body.

    Yes, animals do need to accept the energy and it's very easy to see if they are or not. Non verbal communication is many and varied and we just need to watch and listen.

    The course includes hands on bodywork, energywork and crystals. It's very focussed, very detailed and there's little need to be physically in the same room as the course provider when we have Zoom calls.

  • How would you measure success - apart from a bank balance?

    Double blind studies where one or more groups are given a placebo and one or more groups are not - with the results establishing evidence for or against the effect being measured (health improvements etcetera), and thereafter in respect of people seeking therapy - there are listings of fully qualified and accredited therapists, and all that ~ like any other form of practice or discipline. 

  • I never said all crystals were healing Slight smile

  • complete scam  you will never be able to present credible evidence this ever works  and isn't just the action of the placebo effect

    Not a complete scam as there will always be those who will and those who will not scam others regarding credible scientific interactions, whatever that may involve. Here follows a paper addressing non placebo effects:

    Two Meta-Analyses of Noncontact Healing Studies.

    And if you are not into reading scientific literature, consider instead the following article about it:

    Placebo Effect Can Not Explain Healing Results.

    Or if you are into reading scientific literature ~ here are a few for further consideration:

    The Use of Healing Touch in Integrative Oncology.

    Comparison of Physical Therapy with Energy Healing for Improving Range of Motion in Subjects with Restricted Shoulder Mobility.

    Complementary medicine for fatigue and cortisol variability in *** cancer survivors.

    Evaluation of Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitory Potential of Biofield Energy Treated DMEM by Determining cGMP Level in Human Endothelial Cell Line.

    Wound Healing Activity Of Consciousness Energy Treatment on HFF-1 Cells and DMEM Using Scratch Assay.

    Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy
  • asbestos is the best the most effective crystal ever  -----   it killed millions  and it still is killing people !

  • complete scam  you will never be able to present credible evidence this ever works  and isn't just the action of the placebo effect

  • I have done my research and it all comes down to scamming people.    The very best thing I've heard is 'completely unproven' - everything else seems to indicate fakery and separating gullible people from their cash.

    Now I have any open mind and am willing to believe - to an extent - but when you intend to sell a product to people - especially when animals are involved - empty promises = scam.,

  • If you had an open mind it would be worth responding. I think I'll simply suggest you do your own research.

  • Not as in a precise measurement, as in I completely agree.

  • The thing I'm not getting is that you can convince a person that you've 'healed' them - but what real, presenting problem can you actually fix and how exactly would a low-Chi hamster thank you for your healing?    How would you measure success - apart from a bank balance?

  • Hi, in my understanding, energy healing requires a two-way working partnership between the person delivering it, and the person receiving it. So I'm not sure how it can work with animals. Also it depletes the energy of the person delivering the healing. I would be very dubious of online courses which offer this. A friend of mine was interested in energy healing, as well as massage and homeopathy. Her courses all required actual contact to learn the techniques, otherwise damage could be done. She also found that it seriously tapped her own energy reserves. I don't see why you couldn't do it, provided you look after yourself and your energy levels. In my honest opinion, I would feel that a pet version is more of a trick. Energy healing has been around for centuries, just not with animals. If it's something that you want to do, then don't let anyone stop you, but I will be honest and say I personally believe it to be a scam. If you're interested in energy healing, why not look into crystals, for people. Hope this helps.

  • Energy healing? Is that like a spiritual/faith/reiki healing type thing but for animals? I have previously had good results for pain with healing & learned how to do it myself. I could literally teach anyone how in 30 seconds. I appreciate it sounds nuts & don't expect everyone to agree that its a real thing.

    I didn't go into it expecting anything, but I had an amazing healer who helped my chronic pain enormously. Sadly we lost touch when I moved & I've never been able to find anyone who can replicate her results. The course sounds great btw. I'd do it myself if I were offered it. Who is it with? If you don't mind me asking?