People downplaying autism

So I am finding people very frustrating. When you talk about your day to day struggles (because they ask) and people respond with “oh I’m like that too!” Or “isn’t everyone like that? Oh I must have autism too” and I’m just like what is going on with the world??? Anyone else had these issues with people????

  • A new one: the other day, someone tried explaining autism to me and quoted someone they knew of who was autistic. I said, "I'm on the autism spectrum too," to which they replied, "Ah, but trust me - you're nowhere near as far on the spectrum as her... you don't even seem autistic" (he repeated this several times). I had to explain that it looks different in everyone, but I was gobsmacked that he really thought he knew more about me than I do!! Some people are very ignorant.

  • The conversations about people with autism is nauseating. The aspie person in question is talked about as ‘other’ and how annoying they are just because they’re quiet and not social butterflies!  And the neurotypical people think those with ASD are the ones without empathy?   :( 

  • I think it's a reasonable analogy.

    Yes, an autism diagnosis requires fulfillment of several distinct axes of symptoms if you follow e.g. DSM-V, but these different axes are not co-morbidities. So yes, more than one symptom, but only one condition.

    In the same way, pregnancy is one condition with several syptoms, though granted you could argue that only *one* very obvious central symptom is needed to diagnose pregnancy (the presence of a foetus!).

    The analogy holds true though, in that with both autism and pregnancy you either have it or don't, and if you *do* the impact on your life will vary from person to person.

    Co-morbid conditions of autism such as Ehlers Danloss, learning difficulties etc are not *required* for an autism diagnosis (and in fact muddy the waters as far as public perception of autism is concerned).

    One can be autistic without *any* co-morbid conditions - that's why they're called *co*-morbid (meaning "occurring alongside / as well as") to the central condition, which can exist in isolation (like pregnancy can). If it couldn't, the comorbs would be part of the diagnostic criteria, and not comorbs at all.

  • I hate this analogy.

    To be pregnant you need only one symptom-baby growing inside you, you don’t need any “co-morbidities” to be “diagnosed pregnant”. One is enough.

    And to be diagnosed with autism you need more than one. 

    If someone has only one symptom of autism and nothing more then won’t be diagnosed. 

    Nobody will be diagnosed with autism just because of anxiety and nobody will be diagnosed as pregnant just because of morning sickness. Co-morbities are not relevant here. So you can’t be a bit pregnant, just pregnant with more easy or more difficult pregnancy.

    But you can have sensory processing disorder or communication issues  without autism. 

  •  "well everyone is a little bit autistic". Well I suppose that could be true. In the same way that everyone is a little bit pregnant.

  • Oh joy! 

    The more I understand, the more I'm frustrated by the lack of compassion which results from the fact that the impact of autism isn't properly known generally. People either know nothing, or mistake autism for one or more of its co-morbid conditions with more obvious symptoms. When they see an autistic person who copes, just, they see someone who's doing OK. They don't see the inner effort to keep heads above water, nor the suicidal thoughts.

  • Well I've just come out to my brother in an email (explaining why a job I was offered didn't materialise because I disclosed ASD after the interview) and he simply replied "Aspergers? Is it a benefit scam?" Joy 

  • Good question. What I hope for most is something like "Oh - thanks for sharing that, what does that mean for you?"

  • Questions: how should people respond? What is appropriate response? What should they say? Is there any response they could give which would be ok?

  • they all are its a joke really when you think of it its game playing which im not into 

  • Additionally, for me:-

    • You need to only focus on one thing at a time (with is an autistic/Asperger's trait). Yet I can multitask on many small things rather than one huge unachievable millstone (which is outside of my control)
    • One track mind - hyper focussed and obsessions (an Autistic/Asperger's trait) - know what I know from a lifetime of learning, maybe even a little on the savant side (just a thought).
    • Don't listen - especially when overloaded of course and/or when I know more that they do.
    • Tapping fingers, feet which annoys some people (an autistic/Asperger's trait) but the office chit chat will never stop (sound overload) but controlled sounds block it out.

  • This is interesting as people often say I'm "difficult to read" or they have "no idea what I'm thinking or feeling" and I'm never quite sure what they mean. Obviously they don't know what I'm thinking? As it's only me who knows that? Wouldn't it be kind of creepy if people could hear your thoughts? 

  • Replying to Plastic's last here but don't want to go too deep on the nesting / threading as all replies here are relevant & interesting!

    I find Empathy as a subject quite fascinating. I believe that I have good cognitive empathy but poor affective empathy, so I've experienced at least some of the aspects of empathy. 

    One thing I find fascinating is that people with ASD seem to have effective empathy with *each other*, and people without ASD seem likewise to have empathy with each-other, but there are difficulties between the two groups - which is the part relevant to this thread, i.e. the double empathy problem, and the difficulty that NT people have to tap in to / "feel" the experience of people with ASD.

    If I read your reply correctly Plastic, I think you're right that *some* things that laypeople consider to be empathy are little more than "This is how I would feel in your situation, therefore that must be how you feel" (which easily fails to be accurate when the two people are very different) - but I do think that there are things going on in the affective / intuitive domains that I don't experience and hence can't quite fathom that are nevertheless real and genuine(?) nonverbal connections between individuals. Some of it is to do with emotional contagion, which I do get a bit. But this is starting to touch on Philosophy; what is "real"? Is experiencing something that appears to be helpful and true enough to make it real? People taking recreational drugs have reported all manner of weird things that seem to be helpful and true, e.g. the illusion of telepathy.....

    Fascinating stuff.

  • Spending time with other people on the autism spectrum is always so much easier as by and large we respond the same way to things and behave more similarly. People on the spectrum do tend to socially mirror each other. I think you’re right in that it is more about the different levels on which we communicate rather than lack of empathy per se.

  • In my measuring of NTs to understand this 'emotion' and 'empathy' thing they go on about, I've concluded that it's all fake.   It's totally superficial  - but it's a language they all speak and mirror each other naturally and instantly.   They are good at this mirroring - but it's all an act - another of their lies and falsehoods.   It gives them a good basis to be accepted by each other as 'the same' so they are not treated with suspicion by each other.  

    They then do the same as us and calculate what is really going on.   Unfortunately, we miss out the instant mirroring response - we need more data to know what emotion is appropriate - so we are seen as having no empathy.

  • Exactly! They apply their own set of parameters to our experience and assume that we react the same as they do, which we don’t! I think our almost bionic ability to cope with A LOT really confuses NTs. A fraction of the things that we have to endure would floor them, whereas we just get up again and keep going!

    It’s much more effective when you can apply problem solving strategies to issues rather than getting weighed down by how you ‘feel’ about it! Better to work out a way to manage any difficulties and then get on with enjoying life.

    I have a couple of NT friends, both lovely people, who speak of being able to feel all of these emotions emitting from other people when they are talking to them. That when they walk into a building full of people they soak up all these feelings that are radiating from all the other people in the building! I find the concept of lots of feelings and emotions kind of floating around in the air anywhere where they are people quite odd! (Momentarily checks under chair to ensure that none are hiding there) I don’t see any! Yet somehow NTs are able to tune into all this emotional information! Next time I see one of them I will ask what, if any emotional data they receive from me. Though I think that quite possibly anyone on the autism spectrum is quite emotionally blank to an NT, because we don’t feel the same so there’s simply not the emotional data for us to be throwing out into the air! I think also we (people with ASD) emit a different frequency of energy to NTs which is why we can sometimes pick up on stuff in each other that would fly under the NT radar!

    We make them feel uneasy because they don’t understand us. They can’t pick up on the emotional data from us that they’re used to obtaining from people and it confuses them.  

  • I know aspies are supposed to be the ones with empathy issues but it really makes you wonder. I always found that I feel comforted talking to other aspies rather than neurotypicals. I assume they feel the same way about us. It's pretty weird but imo just goes to show how rather than being unempathetic, we just have enormously different communication styles. 

  • Yes - they keep telling me I'm chronically depressed when they understand my daily problems - but it's them applying their own feelings to how they would feel if they were ill like me.

    I'm aspie so I see the issue and engineer solutions to maximise my life in the 'well' gaps between the problems - and I still get more done than a 'normal' NT!

    My wife is counsellor and can easily 'read' people but she says I'm totally blank - there's absolutely nothing coming off from me - zero data - I'm impossible to read.

    I think this is why I make people feel uneasy - I'm closer to robot than human - I come across as 'not possible'.

  • And they have the nerve to label us as self obsessed! Pah!