People downplaying autism

So I am finding people very frustrating. When you talk about your day to day struggles (because they ask) and people respond with “oh I’m like that too!” Or “isn’t everyone like that? Oh I must have autism too” and I’m just like what is going on with the world??? Anyone else had these issues with people????

  • My experience of suffering from neurological disorders per se (abi + autism) is that most people do one of 3 things in response to my displaying or description of my symptoms.

    1. Trivialise “oh but you’re not THAT bad, I mean you can still do X”.
    2. Normalise “Oh yeah, me too, I do that ALL the time”.
    3. Invalidate “I think you’re making out it’s a lot worse than it is”.

    I still haven’t managed to work out which one is more annoying Rolling eyes

  • they all are its a joke really when you think of it its game playing which im not into 

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