Autism in the Military

People with Autism are not allowed in the British Military and it’s about time this rule was changed. If you agree please sign this petition. With enough signatures the government will have to discuss the matter in parliament.

  • Ok I think I get where you're coming from. How that would be implemented would be interesting to say the least. I don't think you could afford to be abundantly clear about the identities of such people being such and such. You'd probably have to get adjacent people in regards to sympathies to be involved. Make it a guideline for this idea to be some inside secret. Israel can afford to do whatever and be open about it because they don't fund themselves anyways. IDF soldiers have been known to wear nappies. Ok maybe that one isn't simply common knowledge but you'll have to take my word for that. The reason why that's been the case is the soldiers who need to wear them usually keep wetting themselves. For me personally I just want to get my foot in the door. I'm not really much different to other people aside from the lazy streak as a result of being independent and not being massively desperate to do anything immediately. If I had another assessment done I'd probably get assessed as being misdiagnosed. I just don't exhibit the handicaps of your stereotypical autistic person. Except for the OCD parts.

  • I've never automatically had brilliant chemistry with someone just because they're autistic. It's a safe bet that you seem to think that it would be that simple.

    no. because I think working effectivly as a unit and being friends are two totally difrent things. If anything I think overlapping work and social life is more a NT thing. I don't asume the autistic people working together would autiomaticly be friends. I'd assume working effectivly in a depersonalised profesional way would be more likely. Every job compartmentalised and devided up neetly so no one steps on each others toes.

  • In layman's terms what I was putting across in my opening statement is people on the spectrum high functioning or not usually aren't unique or radically different. Everyone in the world falls into different archetypal structures of what will constitute their personality. Being a high functioning autistic is the equivalent of having a personality disorder.

    It hardly makes any particularly cognitive impacts that would depart away from what neurotypicals already put up with. Therefore you wouldn't need a regiment for people on the spectrum because there isn't going to be an inherent cohesive measure made in doing so.

    I've never automatically had brilliant chemistry with someone just because they're autistic. It's a safe bet that you seem to think that it would be that simple. Maybe being within your own ethnicity builds some trust off the bat. But we're not really a separate race to other human beings now are we? I understand the attentiveness that some of us might have. But if that were so significant. This idea of yours would've already taken place. 

    As for Israel I can't stand the idea of ever being recruited by them. Bleh. I'll swallow my pride for a failed, bland as hell western nation with virtually no culture to speak of. But I will not go that far low. Still got to get registered to a new gp yet. I looking forward to eventually arranging a referral.

  • Bit late but you were the one that chose particular words such as "cannot". I didn't do my due diligence looking into your background yes but it still doesn't contradict what I said all that much. Why would you be happy that someone cannot do what you did? Cannot being the word of choice of all the words you could use. If I'm so wrong in calling this spiteful I don't want to be right at all.

  • Given the recent conscription debate here in the U.K., both as an Irish citizen, an older gay man and someone with autism, I don’t want to join the army regardless of the politics - someone with autism joining the armed forces would be a liability even though I get the points about DEI it is still unrealistic and only serves a PC leftist box ticking culture which weakens the effectives of the milltary from within in the event of a serious armed conflict such as WW4 (as Covid was a silent version of WW3) 

  • I've been in outreach enough as a kid to work out that people fundamentally aren't usually capable of being contrasting in any unpredictable way enough to warrant such a radical proposition.

    I'm sorry but I can't follow this sentance at all.

    If you're high functioning on the spectrum you're not really going to be any different at all in a remarkable fashion unless you're a tryhard.

    I don't actually agree with that. High functioning autisits might have an edge in work that's very technical, that requires high focus for long periods or adsorbing lots of detailed information quickly. Jobs like engenering or inteligence. The planing side of logistics too maybe.

  • The best way to avoid a war is to be ready to fight it. It's sad but true but bloody noses are the only languages that get through to bullies. It's why we should be whiping our military into shape. If nothing else because if we can make enough to keep ukrain suplied with weapons they may give the bloody nose for us. Right now armed forces staffing is not our big issue, its low production. The factory is where we should be 'conscripting' people if anywhere.

    The only way we'd go to war is if rusia invaded a nato member. Say poland. And the sight of tanks rolling into another country is likely to change peoples minds about the avoidability of war and push a recruting drive.

  • Survival?

    Enslaving or at least otherwise dealing with the normies?

    FIghting personal poverty seems to be a bit of a theme...

    I propose that we all try an unite behind one simple survival goal.

    Avoid UK decaling war with Russia, as we lack the means to do so and our nuclear deterrent IF the Americans let us use it.. Dual key on those Trident D5 SLBM's doncha know.) is no longer able to inflict unacceptable damage on Russia, (excepting it's use in a surprise attack) whereas no less than THREE of the Russians nuclear attack weapons sytems can completley ensure that our little island never again poses a threat to the Russians. Our military options are simply inadequate to the task.

    Wake Sunak up and remind him that Mrs T and the nation barely won the Falklands conflict with our 1980's coldwar strength military!

    We will be sacrificed very early in WW3 (NATO V BRICS) surely that's obvious. 

  • not really. No one here really has a commone goal, that they have to work on day after day like it or not.

  • Peter, does not this forum reveal exactly how well us Autists work together?  

  • You could choose to interpret my words that way.

    Given that I was not diagnosed until 38 years afterwards, your supposition is logically unworkable and clearly incorrect.

    It is better to stay quiet and possibly be thought of as a fool, rather than hit the keyboard and remove all doubt...

  • and low and behold the israilies beat me to it.

  • I've been in outreach enough as a kid to work out that people fundamentally aren't usually capable of being contrasting in any unpredictable way enough to warrant such a radical proposition. Outlets such as the paralympics makes sense as you can't compete with able bodied people being physically disabled yourself. If you're high functioning on the spectrum you're not really going to be any different at all in a remarkable fashion unless you're a tryhard. Due to my current circumstances I've got to use something like the armed forces as sort of an existential lifeline as a result of my perspective anyways . So I do take all of this personally.

  • I have to wonder. Hypothetically. What if they formed entire military units composed of autistic people. They say autistic people comunicate far better with each other than with NTs. If comunication is the big issue I wonder how a whole unit of autistic people might actually function working together in a war zone.

  • "Happy for you that you cannot" Pretty spiteful thing to say to be honest. It seems as if you went through training to deliberately sabotage optics for every other diagnosed person. Fatherless behaviour.

  • NO ONE should be a foot soldier now.

    There's no honour or glory in it, you can;t even take a crap without a drone droping bombs on yu whilst you do it.

    Fighting is a mugs game.

  • I am autistic and my my adult son has autism. He’s an adult and copes very well generally.he has a job, can drive and runs with a running club, but there are worlds of difference between this and becoming what increasingly looks like a desperate need for recruitment as canon fodder. He has difficulties with language so severe that he would misunderstand. He has been vulnerable to bullying all his life and his need for routine and inflexibility would make him vulnerable to severe discipline without understanding him. In the current climate don’t wish your son or daughter to be thrown into this maelstrom

  • And become canon fodder, it’s not a computer game ! 

  • It’s very different being an aircraft engineer to joun8ng the army as a foot soldier. As the world appears to be tetering on the brink of ww3 and the military are looking for our children as canon fodder. Please don’t let your joy create a rule which could condemn my son to military service which could see him bullied or killed ( he has a job, is physically ver fit - runs marathons - and his own home but has very poor language and social skills 

  • I am autistic and my my adult son has autism. He’s an adult and copes very well generally.he has a job, can drive and runs with a running club, but there are worlds of difference between this and becoming what increasingly looks like a desperate need for recruitment as canon fodder. He has difficulties with language so severe that he would misunderstand. He has been vulnerable to bullying all his life and his need for routine and inflexibility would make him vulnerable to severe discipline without understanding him. In the current climate don’t wish your son or daughter to be thrown into this maelstrom