Autism in the Military

People with Autism are not allowed in the British Military and it’s about time this rule was changed. If you agree please sign this petition. With enough signatures the government will have to discuss the matter in parliament.

  • Still nothing has changed. I may have high functioning Autism but I know I be perfectly capable of being a solder as much as someone without autism can. My autism doesn't effect me. I was part of the air cadets when younger and was fully successful in that. I also have got too grades on everything since. I'm currently doing auto mechanics and I am predicted Distinction. The highest you can get. And that's what I would join the army as. A mechanic. I already know the background of military training and have experience in many military practices. But to the army, no no u have autism.

  • My flavour of Autism resulted in me being able to leave the servcie shortly after receiving my training because my temperament was indeed "incompatible with military service". 

    IN laymans terms, psychologically speaking, the Military (and particualrly the army) need to overlay the standard human psyche with a carefully created "mask" to ensure correct operaton of the fighting unit when the time comes.

    Autistics are already wearing one, so it's going to be a poor fit, at best...

    As I found out. Glad I could do it and had the experience, happy for you that you cannot.

  • "Happy for you that you cannot" Pretty spiteful thing to say to be honest. It seems as if you went through training to deliberately sabotage optics for every other diagnosed person. Fatherless behaviour.

  • Bit late but you were the one that chose particular words such as "cannot". I didn't do my due diligence looking into your background yes but it still doesn't contradict what I said all that much. Why would you be happy that someone cannot do what you did? Cannot being the word of choice of all the words you could use. If I'm so wrong in calling this spiteful I don't want to be right at all.

  • You could choose to interpret my words that way.

    Given that I was not diagnosed until 38 years afterwards, your supposition is logically unworkable and clearly incorrect.

    It is better to stay quiet and possibly be thought of as a fool, rather than hit the keyboard and remove all doubt...

  • You could choose to interpret my words that way.

    Given that I was not diagnosed until 38 years afterwards, your supposition is logically unworkable and clearly incorrect.

    It is better to stay quiet and possibly be thought of as a fool, rather than hit the keyboard and remove all doubt...

  • Bit late but you were the one that chose particular words such as "cannot". I didn't do my due diligence looking into your background yes but it still doesn't contradict what I said all that much. Why would you be happy that someone cannot do what you did? Cannot being the word of choice of all the words you could use. If I'm so wrong in calling this spiteful I don't want to be right at all.