Are you good at identifying emotions/feelings within yourself?

Example 1: At my last psych appointment the pdoc said I looked happy. I didn't think I was.

Example 2: Was recently seen at main hospital emergency department  because of chest pains. Tests were ok, but BP was higher than normal . Had to go for follow up the next day . Doctor said it had been  raised because I was anxious. Apparently my pulse rate was fast.  I hadn't noticed I was anxious.

I don't think it happens all the time ie I sometimes know when I'm anxious etc .

  • I will listen to you about nature!!!!!

  • Yes nature is cool I’m more of a fish or shark person but I have a pet lizard. I like cool animals not cute ones cause their weak.

    My favourite aspect of science is astronomy and aeronautics. Planes and rockets, gravity and planets. 

    Stuff like how a teaspoon of dust from a core of a super nova can weigh billions of tons due to how it’s so compressed just blows my mind.

    In terms of art I mainly focus on architecture and buildings but anything modern will fascinate me.

    What type of music do you like?

  • I’m an arsenal fan but even that Liverpool comeback was something special in football. My dad supports Liverpool so his reaction was quite loud.

  • What’s wrong with football, is it that u don’t like the game or don’t get why people support a team.

  • Science, music, art - now I’m listening! Would you listen to me talking about nature? 

  • I used to think I did. I mean you assume you know what emotions feel like. But I've recently realised that not only do I have no idea how to tell emotions on other people, I also have no clue when it comes to my own emotions. This is quite a recent revelation. What I'm feeling at any one time is very difficult to describe in words

    @NAS51133 me too. Quite a shock when I first realised it!

  • The obsession with football is something I *really* don't get. The winner of a football game has as much to do with my life as the weather on Mars.

  • Yes, it's as though my dreaming mind comes back to all of the things my conscious mind has either suppressed or hasn't taken fully on board.  Occasionally it borders on the prophetic or utterly frightening and I wake up with a jolt.  These dreams really stand out and have a different quality to them from my run-of-the-mill dream states.    

  • My dad has a delayed emotional reaction as you mention above. Holds it together at the time and is very practically minded(knows what practical steps to take) then has an emotional 'wobble' a while after the situation has resolved. 

    Interesting if the stressor is social (issues with boss) the same can not be said and this has kicked his anxiety into high gear. 

  • They were just two examples I like 

    science, aeronautics, films,TV, football, sport,music,history and art.

    I just mean it can be hard to talk to an NT person. That’s probably why beat friend has bipolar and mild autism/Aspergers.

    I prefer to talk 1 on 1 instead of group conversations.

  • Not so much with other ASD symptoms more with 'psychotic' symptoms such as paranoia.

  • I must admit, murders and war are not my topics at all, so I probably wouldn’t listen because I find them disturbing, but I’d find them disturbing no matter who was talking about them! Even the tv. It’s down to personality, not being ND or NT. I find football boring too. Must be fun to actually play football, but talking about it? Nah!! 

  • Same, I can totally relate with the skitty comments like when someone asks me how to do something like cook a nice meal or make a nice cake. I’ll just say put put it in the oven and take it out so it doesn’t burn. 

    People get annoyed with me when I do it as I can’t explain stuff properly and I often take their question literally.

    Most people get freaked out by what I talk about because it doesn’t phase me but it does them. Like the Second World War or murders and how to get away with one.

    People tell me to talk about things with people and then when I do they criticise the topics in the conversation. NT’s are so annoying sometimes. 

  • Yeah that very agitated feeling is what I get when I’ve got a meltdown brewing. But I’ve learned to recognise it and to work out what’s causing it so I can either ‘manage’ my symptoms, if I can’t avoid the event that I am agitated about then I will engage in diversional activities (I was playing word Crossy on my mobile in between my two ASD assessments as I had nearly an hour in between, I was also doing breathing exercises) this will tend to reduce the intensity of the meltdown even though it may still happen. If I can avoid the activity that is causing agitation then I do so and thus avoid the meltdown.

    The medication that you’re taking is quite effective at reducing agitation levels. Does it help you with any other symptoms?

  • Hi Will Young! (I won’t do my usual habit of just putting an initial for your second name!) Sorry. I can be skitty, no offence meant. I agree with you that it is I important to be you as far as you can, without causing harm to others of course. I too use music to bring out my background emotions. I think they are already there, but music brings them to a more recognisable place. 

    Again I can be skitty if someone asks me how I feel and if I am perplexed and cannot find the words I might just quip “With my fingers!” 

    Next question might be “How do you see yourself?”

    Answer “In a mirror. “ 

    I do know what they are actually asking these days, but it’s difficult to respond with language/body language they understand. 

  • Does anyone else get accused of laughing at someone’s situation when you are actually smiling in sympathy because you have been in a similar situation? I really must learn not to do that. It’s difficult though. 

  • When I DO sleep I find the same! And I can usually work out my anxieties past and present from often really bizarre dreams/nightmares. I didn’t realise anyone else’s brain does that JennyB!