Have you got a favourite mug?

Have you got a favourite mug? This is one of mine.

  • Bought for my mathematician daughter but kept for myself (bit selfish!)
  • I love numbers but get maths anxiety (so full of contradictions!) 
  • My ginger 'fresh' tea is 2 years out of date (frugal streak!) 

Do share your favourite mug - photo or description - I find mugs fascinating 

  • My favourite British Rail teaspoon. The coffee was overpriced.  So I recovered some of the money by keeping the spoon.

  • That's a very collectable spoon - there's one on Gumtree for £20! 

  • It's such a shame that so many of our great industrial landmarks have either been lost or defaced in some way. I loved the old docks where I used to live. They've been demolished now and the land used for housing. Wish I'd taken more photos. 

  • A spoon with a logo Grinning. And special meanings and memories.  That brings back memories.

    I still have a teaspoon with a British rail logo. That I kept when I bought a cup of coffee at Waterloo station around 30 years ago.

  • I loved burnt toast as a child (still do) especially with thick butter on. Used to believe eating it would make my hair curly!

    Proper old fashioned bakeries were fantastic. Got to put jam in doughnuts in one of them. Lovely job! Suspect there are fewer around now where you can get burnt bottom bread. 

  • currently the spoon with British leyland logo is absent without leave, AWOL. I hope it turns up,,, the cowley canteen was about to be shut down and all new everything, it had just been taken over by the Japanese!

    when BMW took it over to produce the new look mini they rather quickly covered all the old brick work with cladding! I don’t suppose for one minute it was because you could still see the camouflage paint put on during the Second World War, back then they produced Jerry cans and so many essential items to keep the troops going. 

    It  is now a sterile looking place,, if you look hard you can still find reminders though.

  • our local village bake house made the small loaves but sadly they were hard as rock,,I used to ask my mum to make sure she got a loaf with a burnt bottom, the carbon goes so well with mature cheddar, oh my what a lovely memory, dead square loaves of bread with  black crunchy bases,,,

  • I remember them as well, sugar butties,, yum,,,never did me any harm, never been heavier than ten stone, 

    still have ALL my own teeth as well.

  • Know what you mean about fuss. Got one that is incredibly simple put in all ingredients switch on and leave. Even easier as I get my husband to load up the machine and switch it on! 

  • At school I had thin blue plastic straws just like in the photo above. At home I had bendy straws or long perspex straws in complex shapes.

    Blue Planet II last year has resulted in large scale public opposition to plastic straws and other single use plastic products, like coffee stirrers.

    Primary schools must throw away hundreds of thousands of plastic straws every day along with milk cartons and they can't be recycled. I think milk should be supplied to primary schools in glass bottles rather than cartons and kids have their own re-usable straw.

  • it was even though it was dry no butter etc i still loved eating it .. ive always fanciful one of them but too lazy for all the fuss

  • That sounds delicious! We made some bread in our bread making machine today, smells and tastes lovely when it is warm! 

  • I remember white paper straws that went soggy. 

  • We had an amazing pasta dish at school dinners which I called tomato drainpipes. It had spam and onions in. I've tried to recreate it at home many times but failed to get it exactly right.

    Semolina at school dinners was dreadful - couldn't swallow it. Luckily we could choose an apple instead. I used to like War on Want lunches where we just got bread and cheese.

    At home my dad made sugar butties: white bread, spread with butter and sprinkled with caster sugar. Surely one of the most unhealthy tea-time snacks ever! 

  • Oh no, so sorry to hear this.

    When I break or lose a favourite object I mourn it quite deeply.

    Is this the picture that was on your mug?

    Edited to get past censors...

    You are sensible to take great care of your special spoon. 

  • Communal mugs always seem to be mucky and there never seem to be any teaspoons...

  • I picked this up on my last visit to Pandora - it fits in my hand perfectly and holds just the right amount of tea.

  • I never actually measured the bottles.  They were smaller than the full pint ones.  And I was 5 or 6 years old.  Smile

  • I did have, until the wind blew it over and smashed it just this morning :0(

    It had that picture of a smiling soldier with a mug in his hand, with "how about a nice cup of shut the f*** up. I bring my own mug to work, and my own spoon, which I also keep in a cupboard separate from the rest of the cutlery at home, because it is exactly the right size and I can not find another one like it anywhere