Have you got a favourite mug?

Have you got a favourite mug? This is one of mine.

  • Bought for my mathematician daughter but kept for myself (bit selfish!)
  • I love numbers but get maths anxiety (so full of contradictions!) 
  • My ginger 'fresh' tea is 2 years out of date (frugal streak!) 

Do share your favourite mug - photo or description - I find mugs fascinating 

  • I did have, until the wind blew it over and smashed it just this morning :0(

    It had that picture of a smiling soldier with a mug in his hand, with "how about a nice cup of shut the f*** up. I bring my own mug to work, and my own spoon, which I also keep in a cupboard separate from the rest of the cutlery at home, because it is exactly the right size and I can not find another one like it anywhere 

  • I did have, until the wind blew it over and smashed it just this morning :0(

    It had that picture of a smiling soldier with a mug in his hand, with "how about a nice cup of shut the f*** up. I bring my own mug to work, and my own spoon, which I also keep in a cupboard separate from the rest of the cutlery at home, because it is exactly the right size and I can not find another one like it anywhere 

  • Oh no, so sorry to hear this.

    When I break or lose a favourite object I mourn it quite deeply.

    Is this the picture that was on your mug?

    Edited to get past censors...

    You are sensible to take great care of your special spoon.