Have you got a favourite mug?

Have you got a favourite mug? This is one of mine.

  • Bought for my mathematician daughter but kept for myself (bit selfish!)
  • I love numbers but get maths anxiety (so full of contradictions!) 
  • My ginger 'fresh' tea is 2 years out of date (frugal streak!) 

Do share your favourite mug - photo or description - I find mugs fascinating 

  • Mine's the one with a thick, dark, crust of tannin and coffee solids on the inside, and dried-on tea/coffee slicks and dribbles down the outside (I have still to learn how to drink out of a cup properly without getting it down my chin!) I always arrange for en-suite hot drinks in my "man cave" wherever I live, and I can easily go for months without ever thinking to take my mug with me when I go downstairs to do the washing up!

  • Mine's the one with a thick, dark, crust of tannin and coffee solids on the inside, and dried-on tea/coffee slicks and dribbles down the outside (I have still to learn how to drink out of a cup properly without getting it down my chin!) I always arrange for en-suite hot drinks in my "man cave" wherever I live, and I can easily go for months without ever thinking to take my mug with me when I go downstairs to do the washing up!

  • I picked this up on my last visit to Pandora - it fits in my hand perfectly and holds just the right amount of tea.

  • I find not washing a cup between cuppas makes for a far more satisfying drink

    In the days when all cups of tea were made in a tea pot, there were many who were of the belief that a teapot should never be washed.  Tea itself has anti-germ properties, and this together with the fact that boiling water is required to make a cup of tea ensures that there is little chance of nasty germs in th tea (well at least that is what I have convinced myself!)

  • Snap with the state of cup, I make four in one go! One ceramic, two keep hot with fixed lids, they stay hot eight hours, really hot ,   and one thermos open top sipper style. Saves keep boiling the kettle, always at hand, I wake up to a hot drink every morning from a stay hot cup. I work outside so have had flasks all my working life, 

  • Love it! Good to know I'm not the only dribbler. I belong to the Quentin Crisp school of housework (no need to do any cleaning because after the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse). I married a clean and tidy person though, hence my pristine mug! 

  • A Lem-Sip will magically make your mug like new again.