Have you got a favourite mug?

Have you got a favourite mug? This is one of mine.

  • Bought for my mathematician daughter but kept for myself (bit selfish!)
  • I love numbers but get maths anxiety (so full of contradictions!) 
  • My ginger 'fresh' tea is 2 years out of date (frugal streak!) 

Do share your favourite mug - photo or description - I find mugs fascinating 

  • It's not a mug but I will include this...

    When I was at primary school in the 1990s the milk for morning break time came in small glass (yes, glass) bottles with straws. They looked so cool, so almost from the first day at school I decided that was the only way I wanted drink milk. I took a few empty bottles home and would rarely drink milk out of any other container even as a teenager. This didn't apply to any other drink, only milk. My mother thought that I was obsessed with the milk bottles although I pointed out that other kids at school loved them as well. I wasn't the only kid to have them at home but I probably had the biggest collection of them and was using them throughout my secondary school years.

    The milk bottles were still in use when I finished Y6 in 2001 but were later changed to cartons with garish pictures on them that aren't half as fun.

    Does anybody's kids have, or recently had, glass milk bottles at primary school or is it all cartons now?

  • This is fascinating! I am much older than you so we had free school milk in little glass bottles back in the 1960s and 1970s. I never drank milk as a child and had a particular problem with warm milk (strange smell). My main aim was to persuade one of the boys to drink my milk as well as his own. In the winter the cream on the top would freeze - that was almost palatable - bit like ice cream! 

    I get a lot of enjoyment out of things like miniature glasses and coffee cups. I can see the appeal of the little glass bottles (I agree the cartoon ones aren't as good). However, I'll never forget the trauma of being given a lukewarm bottle of milk to drink! The photo below which I found online brings back lots of memories! 

    I've no idea what happens these days. It will be interesting to find out from other people if glass milk bottles are still used in schools. 

  • we have a bakers called Oddies where i live and they used to sell mini brown hovis loaves i used to love buying one for 10p and eating it still warm from oven on my way to school

  • I loved burnt toast as a child (still do) especially with thick butter on. Used to believe eating it would make my hair curly!

    Proper old fashioned bakeries were fantastic. Got to put jam in doughnuts in one of them. Lovely job! Suspect there are fewer around now where you can get burnt bottom bread. 

  • our local village bake house made the small loaves but sadly they were hard as rock,,I used to ask my mum to make sure she got a loaf with a burnt bottom, the carbon goes so well with mature cheddar, oh my what a lovely memory, dead square loaves of bread with  black crunchy bases,,,

  • Know what you mean about fuss. Got one that is incredibly simple put in all ingredients switch on and leave. Even easier as I get my husband to load up the machine and switch it on! 

  • it was even though it was dry no butter etc i still loved eating it .. ive always fanciful one of them but too lazy for all the fuss

  • That sounds delicious! We made some bread in our bread making machine today, smells and tastes lovely when it is warm! 

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