• RE: Asperger's as a personality trait?

    It can be confusing, for me anyway. When I feel good about my autism, it's like I feel clear about it and what it is etc but when I feel a bit burned out, like I do right now, I can barely make sense of anything. 

    I've  just finished reading the…

  • RE: Off work due to autistic burnout

    HI if you are worried, you can contact Citizens Advice or even better search for any local disability advice centres : usually these will be in your city or nearest city to you. Also, it might be good to have a bit of counselling from a counsellor who…

  • RE: Having all the pieces

    Yeah, looking back now, it makes sense that I fought so hard to hold on to at least some level of control, when I’ve lived in a world that I never fully understood and felt I had little control over. To let people see any weakness was like death, it’s…

  • Personal health budgets for autism

     Hi I have autism and associated conditions am not high functioning enough to hold down a job for any significant length of time without burning out, getting bullied, it impacting my mental health etc. I also have bipolar. There are only very limited specialist…

  • anyone else given up on relationships --- permanently?

    haven't had one in almost a couple decades, and don't foresee one anytime soon, if ever. it's just too hard being around someone, i need to do things my way, i hate cleaning things (except washing the dishes, i love to cook, although it's often the same…

  • RE: Finding a mental health therapist and looking into being sectioned as soon as I get back to Britain

    I wouldnt come back right now.  This place is far more toxic than where you are now.  Give it 6 months if you can.  Its unlikely you will find any help let alone get sectioned with the whole Covid thing.   NHS clinics have shut down, they are no longer seeing…

  • RE: Had enough

    I’m glad to hear you have someone to talk to. I was quite sceptical about therapy for a long time but I feel like the gears in my brain are finally starting to shift and I now really value my Monday sessions.

    My mental health journey began at the…

  • RE: Struggling

    Please don’t be sorry you blurted all this out ~ it needs to be out and getting it out on paper (or computer!) really helps to do that and it helps others to read it ~ it has helped me.  

    I can fully empathise with you ~ what you describe is my experience…

  • RE: I need help about my autism and life

    It sounds like a big problem and difficult to solve but in fact, you're just suffering from over-stimulation.      I'd experiment with earplugs, noise cancelling headphones and maybe glasses with different tints to quieten your world down.      

    Your reaction…

  • New

    Hi all. Sorry if this is long lately I've been getting more in state than normal.  18 months ago it became apparent I'm. Autistic and I been pre diagnosed and my official is in September. When I told my parents that I was they firstly denied it and…