• RE: Overwhelmed mum looking for advice.


    It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. 

    You could try some measures to see if they help at home. One idea might be getting a white board for your daughter's room and one for the house. 

    The one in her room might include pictures/basic drawing…

  • RE: Any support, advice for navigating the buying and selling of a house?

    Hi there

    I'm doing the same thing currently.  I tried two years ago and it all fell through, which it turned out was for the best.  I have spent a couple of years getting ready to do it again and this time will be much more prepared.

    You can't do anymore…

  • Going behind my back

    This what happened in 2020 before COVID was declared:

    Used to have a meeting before started at the library where used to volunteer (now gone to pot); this unfortunate day it was cancelled at short notice due to sickness. I used to get very upset. 


  • RE: University degree choices and careers

    I couldn't deal with staying in academic when I was young. I really just wanted to play music but that wasn't "a proper career" and wasn't allowed, so I ended up rebelling completely and dropping out.

    I did do very well as a care…

  • upcoming exams- stress and burnout rant (kinda)

    I've got upcoming formal exams and i'm so so so stressed i feel like i haven't done enough revision. I got diagnosed w ADHD three months ago and have started taking medication and it worked rlly well but i've got to cover two years worth of content to…

  • RE: I don't want to go back to work

    What an interesting idea. Using my teaching gift but somewhere other than a school. I like that idea.

    i have worked in an FE college for the last 3 years and certainly enjoyed it and lasted longer than in a school but it was still 16-18 year olds and…

  • RE: Ennui

    Ennui is an expression, an outlook, a verifiable feeling and emotion in itself and not just the absence of something somehow more dynamic and 'with it' - something I used to think. I used to equate it with a kind of nihilism and absence of meaning/purpose…

  • RE: Severe Burnout, Newly Self-Diagnosed, FIRST time talking, extremely ANGRY at the FAILURE of the medical community, All suggestions much appreciated.

    I Sperg, I don't have much energy so I am using what I have to explain to you because you have shown me in my perspective that you want to help me. So I want to say thank you.

    I have had everything thrown at me and I do NOT feel like I am past anything…

  • RE: Energy for special interests

    Does anyone get to the end of the working day and find you just have nothing left in the tank and no motivation for your special interests?

    You are well down that burnout path by the soud s of it.

    My recommendation would be to find something…

  • RE: What's your solitude period?

    I live alone and work from home via a platform where almost everything is automated, so often go several days at a time without talking to anyone, but rarely more than a week without since kind of social activity. Over Christmas it's often a bit longer…