
As a 35 y.o. currently idle, life feels like a massive drag.  I feel sleepy in the late afternoon from the antidepressants so I stay up a little later at night as a result.

I learned early on that I am not a people person so I could care less about relationships and friendships, it seems futile and pointless now and I have nothing to offer (physical, personality or ambition wise) so I get stuck into my interests when I have the time.

I have an interest in open source software so I have a laptop with Linux installed to tinker with when I'm bored.

  • Ennui is an expression, an outlook, a verifiable feeling and emotion in itself and not just the absence of something somehow more dynamic and 'with it' - something I used to think. I used to equate it with a kind of nihilism and absence of meaning/purpose so, in a word, a defeciency. 

    My perspective on it changed, ironically, when I was watching 'Inside Out 2' with my kids at the cinema a few months ago. Seeing, in pictorial representation on the screen in front of me, how ennui negotiates it's own space in that buzzing neurological hub of our brains and even cooperates with other emotions to contribute to the greater whole. But yes, the depiction of it as a wayward, rebel-like entity, rings true. It takes over and sets up its own rules in your head.

    Sorry, I don't really know where I'm going with this. As per usual - I smoulder and burn out all too easily...*psshh*

    But this is to say 'hello' fundamentally, to thank you for your honesty. I can relate to being whacked out on anti-Ds. Currently prescribed full whack but I'm reducing it gradually. It's just not an effective treatment when I've always known that depression is only ever a secondary factor of my autism, which I have tried to deny, camouflage, mask - however you see it. I love the idea of relationships more than the reality but completely get your perception of relationships as ultimately futile and pointless. Back to the ennui again. Wink

    Enjoy the Linux, my friend. I don't share the interest but have heard of it and the penguin logo. x


  • Ennui is an expression, an outlook, a verifiable feeling and emotion in itself and not just the absence of something somehow more dynamic and 'with it' - something I used to think. I used to equate it with a kind of nihilism and absence of meaning/purpose so, in a word, a defeciency. 

    My perspective on it changed, ironically, when I was watching 'Inside Out 2' with my kids at the cinema a few months ago. Seeing, in pictorial representation on the screen in front of me, how ennui negotiates it's own space in that buzzing neurological hub of our brains and even cooperates with other emotions to contribute to the greater whole. But yes, the depiction of it as a wayward, rebel-like entity, rings true. It takes over and sets up its own rules in your head.

    Sorry, I don't really know where I'm going with this. As per usual - I smoulder and burn out all too easily...*psshh*

    But this is to say 'hello' fundamentally, to thank you for your honesty. I can relate to being whacked out on anti-Ds. Currently prescribed full whack but I'm reducing it gradually. It's just not an effective treatment when I've always known that depression is only ever a secondary factor of my autism, which I have tried to deny, camouflage, mask - however you see it. I love the idea of relationships more than the reality but completely get your perception of relationships as ultimately futile and pointless. Back to the ennui again. Wink

    Enjoy the Linux, my friend. I don't share the interest but have heard of it and the penguin logo. x


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