• RE: Is this forum indicative of the wider Aspie public?

    Hi - I used to think like you - I was successful, married, child etc - doing very well etc.     My undiagnosed aspie abilities meant I could do things other people couldn't.     I hated things that were unclear or unknown so my job in engineering meant I…

  • RE: Done With Mental Health

    You've summed up my experience of the world of employment perfectly there!

    The one that drives me most crazy is the assertion that "being in employment is good for your mental health and self-esteem". I don't give a monkey's whether psychologists…

  • Adult Aspergers & OCD - family do not understand

    I feel very burned out writing this. I have been online and on the phone for 6 hours trying to source help particularly around employment concerns (I am off work due to stress) and explaining to my parents that I'm not in work for legitimate reasons.…

  • RE: DWP to target those with disabilities including Autism and Aspergers

    I had similar issues with time keeping, but the worst was my health. So stressed that I was always really ill.

    Working for myself doesn't eliminate stress entirely, but does make it more managable. Time keeping is no longer an issue because I work my own…

  • Meltdown in Hospital

    Things went beyond my ability to cope in the hospital yesterday,    They tried to take bloods and insert a cannula but they were incredibly ham-fisted and messed it up completely - it was so painful - the two junior doctors eventually gave up and the senior…

  • RE: What happened?

    Good to know you are present and correct Deepthought.

    Present yes, but err on caution with me being correct perhaps? ;-)

    I feel like I’m on a ship that just bumped into an ice burg.

    I can so relate as when this forum got updated earlier this year,…

  • RE: To have another child or not?

    Apologies in advance, but I tend to ask direct and difficult questions.

    How well do you perceive autism?   How are you finding dealing with your son?  Is it burning you out or is it a joy?  Is having a 'faulty' child damaging your self image?   How…

  • RE: Let it go and move forward

    I think you need to experiment to find the best way for you. Personally I find I have to let the emotions come. It is horrible but they always somehow burn themselves out and then I can move on. Sometimes a shutdown is needed to kind of press the "reset…

  • RE: Autism is a real disability to some,,,,,,, are you such a person ?

    But that's the whole point - you're made to feel worthless and guilty for not joining the rat race and burning yourself out with a heart attack at 35.   The media is pumping out unrealistic life expectations to everyone.

    A study I read where teenagers…

  • RE: CMHT blaiming autism

    Hi Raspberries, so I can kind of relate…i hate being put on hold, I was in a very dark place, burnout, whatever you wanna call it, and I ended up smashing my phone against the floor, which completely destroyed it, and I’m still paying for it until 2025…