• Is this ASD?

    Long post sorry!!
    Any thoughts, or suggestions on the below. Agree / disagree with my take? How do you manage frustrations and remember to focus on the today?
    I was diagnosed with ADHD after a life time struggling, when i was 45. The GP wont send me…
  • Are my concerns with how the mental health system works reasonable?

    I'm a young adult with high-functioning asperger's. I have a Social Worker and I receive support from NAS. Asperger's is all I have, I do not and have never had schizophrenia.

    My concerns aren't about how my support workers support me, but…

  • RE: Positive behaviour support - interesting article here

    This is often difficult for children to achieve when social camouflaging and personal masking prevents and reduces the embodiment of the personality (their individuality) in favour of socially sharing and enforcing personae (collectively…
  • RE: Help

    Hi Gemma, trust me, I’m 55 years of age and I’m still dealing with this, or was (until now), and so far, in my experience, no matter what I say or do my family won’t accept I’m autistic and it hurts like hell but I’ve realised, I’m essentially hurting…

  • That's the kind of CBT for me!

    Following mention of autism specific CBT for the treatment of depression and anxiety in another thread, I thought I would duplicate here a short article which I wrote contrasting my experienced of non-specific and autism-specific counselling, which I…

  • RE: I don't know to engage with people

    Hi Hope. Welcome to the forum. Mind if I ask if you've been diagnosed, or maybe even self-diagnosed, so that your bf is aware of the context of the things he's described? If not, then I'm sure he doesn't mean to hurt you by saying these things, and doesn…

  • RE: sensory issues

    We all have a degree of discord or imbalance we can deal with. I would suggest that a major key ingredient in an Autistic Individual is our natural ability to sense imbalance and rebalance. Our natural ability to catch inconsistencies and troubleshoot…

  • RE: Challenging public policy and gagging orders

    I know what you mean Hohner

    yeah we must be brothers. have more in connection with you after knowing you for 1 minute than my real brothers, ones a schitzophrenic and the other two are criminals !

    Yes, its easy to want to hide away from society or find…

  • ADD Med's. Update.

    I began a sort of log on here to talk about the Lisdexamphetamine 30mg.I was prescribed even though I am crap at keeping diaries but thought I'd give it a go as I was confident that I would see differences in the way that my mind .operated. Disappointment…

  • RE: Memories of being young?

    Thank you for reading my post and trying to help, I never really thought much about these occurrences until recently. As usual I don't know when to shut up and any subject I find interesting gets my full attention beyond perceived normality.
