sensory issues


I have noticed recently that my sensory issues are a lot worse in the morning, especially with sound. My wife's daily conference call is grating to the ears, I have to often ask her to speak softer, when someone comes downstairs and turns on the lights I have a spike of irritation, I keep noticing small sounds that I don't normally hear like the ceiling fan etc.

Does anyone else have this issue? Why does it happen? Is it normal?

Fwiw I am recently self-diagnosed and working on getting my formal diagnosis but money is tight and I have enough issues as is.

  • We all have a degree of discord or imbalance we can deal with. I would suggest that a major key ingredient in an Autistic Individual is our natural ability to sense imbalance and rebalance. Our natural ability to catch inconsistencies and troubleshoot. It's why we accidentally mention the elephant in the room. But more than a few of these ONGOING, unresolved and everything is monstrous. 

    I would take inventory of the sensory frustrations in your life. We can all only suffer a few per day IMO.

    i literally despise the sound quality that comes out of phones and laptops/computers. There's actually a reason it's unpleasant. It's not a set of natural frequencies. Not only is the audio compressed in unnatural ways but it's also digitised, which means at a micro level it's a square wave an not a round one. Our ear canals are designed to easily pick up round waves. It takes extra effort for the human hearing mechanisms to process auditory signals which are square. If I were to show you a visual, it literally is like trying to put a square block into a round hole.

    My son will listen to his phone from the other room and A. I know it won't last too long B. I'd rather he were around than not, so, I remind myself how much i love him. But he knows how hyper-sensory I am, so if it's too much I'll just bring him some glorious headphones I bought for him. 

    Now chemicals in smells should be illegal. They aren't but they should be. I have it in me some day to carry around one of those incredibly expensive metres and collect calculations. When we talk about scent, we're discussing particles too small to the naked eye, but ones which interact with the lungs, the bloodstream and the gut. How is cigarette smoking in front of others illegal but candles and chemical scents and incense not?? These give off sometimes far worse VOCs (volatile organic compounds). I have an allergy to some. Many chemically made candles create formaldehyde when burned. A little chemistry class here would help. 

    As someone mentioned below, you could sound proof the area your wife is having her calls in. If money is tight, there are cork floor blocks for children to put on the floor. And you could put up a few cheap photography back drop stands + thick wool fabric around the room can help until you can afford acoustic panels depending on how long this lasts. 

  • We all have a degree of discord or imbalance we can deal with. I would suggest that a major key ingredient in an Autistic Individual is our natural ability to sense imbalance and rebalance. Our natural ability to catch inconsistencies and troubleshoot. It's why we accidentally mention the elephant in the room. But more than a few of these ONGOING, unresolved and everything is monstrous. 

    I would take inventory of the sensory frustrations in your life. We can all only suffer a few per day IMO.

    i literally despise the sound quality that comes out of phones and laptops/computers. There's actually a reason it's unpleasant. It's not a set of natural frequencies. Not only is the audio compressed in unnatural ways but it's also digitised, which means at a micro level it's a square wave an not a round one. Our ear canals are designed to easily pick up round waves. It takes extra effort for the human hearing mechanisms to process auditory signals which are square. If I were to show you a visual, it literally is like trying to put a square block into a round hole.

    My son will listen to his phone from the other room and A. I know it won't last too long B. I'd rather he were around than not, so, I remind myself how much i love him. But he knows how hyper-sensory I am, so if it's too much I'll just bring him some glorious headphones I bought for him. 

    Now chemicals in smells should be illegal. They aren't but they should be. I have it in me some day to carry around one of those incredibly expensive metres and collect calculations. When we talk about scent, we're discussing particles too small to the naked eye, but ones which interact with the lungs, the bloodstream and the gut. How is cigarette smoking in front of others illegal but candles and chemical scents and incense not?? These give off sometimes far worse VOCs (volatile organic compounds). I have an allergy to some. Many chemically made candles create formaldehyde when burned. A little chemistry class here would help. 

    As someone mentioned below, you could sound proof the area your wife is having her calls in. If money is tight, there are cork floor blocks for children to put on the floor. And you could put up a few cheap photography back drop stands + thick wool fabric around the room can help until you can afford acoustic panels depending on how long this lasts. 

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