• Trying to cope with massive damage to the home and possessions

    Our high functioning 14 year old grandson to whom we are legal guardians is pulling our house down around our ears! We get damage when he is in meltdown and we get damage when he is happy or bored (usually sensory issues) and its becoming harder and harder…

  • RE: More Autistic After Diagnosis...

    I guess I could see how years of pressure could build up to actually, in the long run, make you worse, as it frazzles your brain more after so much silent suffering. The silent suffering may seem like resilience at first but maybe it's just something…
  • RE: Managing the internal anger response to an external situation

    There's two aspects to this that I see. 1. Managing the anger and 2 . Managing the situation.

    With me sometimes the anger can be quelled by mental gymnastics, but sometimes it cannot it flashes into being like a burning matchead and it is COMING OUT…

  • I don't know how to cope with employment

    I haven't ever made a public post about my autism like this, I just know I want to say something... even if I'm not 100% sure what that something is.

    I'm self-diagnosed, I started finally accepting that I'm autistic a few months ago now and I…

  • Struggling to access support- awaiting diagnosis

    Hi all, I was wondering how common it is to be passed from pillar to post in the lead up to diagnosis for high functioning autism/Aspergers any experiences or advice would be most appreciated.

    I was initially referred by my GP back in October 2019 for…

  • RE: Executive (dys)function

    You should be good at this

    I've been told that rather a lot of times in my life by people who were very mistaken! Wink

    Seriously, though, I do appreciate the advice, it is good advice, and those things do help me to an extent. However,…

  • RE: advice on moving to a highly populated city for a new job

    I am at a crossroads in my life as I have had a chance of moving to a new job with a healthy bump in my salary (nearly double if what I am currently on). I would really like to go for this opening but the job is located in central london and I have many…

  • RE: Trying to find a diagnosis

    Hi Haylee,

    If you have concerns on how you are feeling then your best route is to speak with your GP and let them know everything that’s making you concerned. It’s not a quick and easy path, I was referred last October and have only just started the assessment…

  • RE: Paranormal experiences?

    Nice!  It does work in the other direction too-- On meeting new people, I am very quick to file them into a few basic categories: 

    1) Dangerous, stay away.

    2) Not dangerous, but we have nothing in common and they won't like me. Business transactions only…

  • Advice on special Interests, Burnout and following my passions

    I have a few general questions about special interests, dealing with what feels like a burnout, and whether I should compromise my beliefs with one of them. I wondered if anyone could help and advise me?

    1. My main career dream is to become a professional…