Advice on special Interests, Burnout and following my passions

I have a few general questions about special interests, dealing with what feels like a burnout, and whether I should compromise my beliefs with one of them. I wondered if anyone could help and advise me?

  1. My main career dream is to become a professional scriptwriter. I am really passionate about it, and it gives me feelings of joy at its best like nothing else. However, it's not my "special interest", and certainly not what I do to relax. I feel like my special interest is politics, but my burning dream is to become a writer. This feels unusual as my special interests in my past have been my career ambitions (when I was really into trains I wanted to be a train driver, when it was mainly football I wanted to be a football manager). Can anybody relate to the feeling of your dream career being different from your special interest?
  2. I entered screenwriting competitions at the start of the year, and ever since then, the tv series I'm working on (that I entered for them) has felt completely exhausting rather than fun. I have long suspected I also have ADHD, and since I became passionate about this tv series idea it has always felt like a race against my mind in case I lose interest, which I am desperate not to do. Therefore, I'm scared of taking a break from it in case my passion never comes back. Does anyone have any advice?
  3. Going back to politics as my special interest - I am particularly keen on creating a report for a Federal/Confederal UK. I am really torn between going all out and creating something that I completely believe in (but is more unrealistic), or a compromise document that might be more likely to happen. Does anyone have any recommendations on whether to do something I believe in more, or modify it to suit what is more likely?
  • Hi we have similar interests you say the tv series is exhausting why don’t you walk away from it give it a break real world give it some breathing time and space then go back to it, the politics paper go for something realistic data predictions etc facts statistics i use to do evidence and write for Parliament so similar interests statistics and facts win hands down in my opinion kind regards 

  • Does anyone have any advice?

    Hi! I don’t have any specific advice in relation to your questions, however you may find the book ‘Planning Your Career Through Intense Interests: A Guide For Autistic People ‘ useful. 

    I own the book myself and there are some useful tips included in it!

    Good luck with pursuing your dream career!