• RE: Unsettled by Trend implications, quite upset - anyone else get unsettled by this?

    For starters neuro diverse is a much much bigger group than autistic.

    autistic people are probably around 1% of the population. it might be a bit more but it’s not going to be a huge amount more. ADHD is estimated to be closer to 5 to 7%. also by…

  • RE: Rubbish Tips

    Tip #3: Feet-Gloves - the sensation that's sweeping the nation!

    I was lying in bed the other month, idly wondering how I could avoid the strenuous effort of getting up and filling a hot water bottle - it was floopin' cold and, with toes rapidly turning…

  • Assessment over - waiting for statement.

    Was verbally told at my last assessment that I am autistic and suffer with several traits. Socially difficult, but adept due to a long career in retail face to face sales. That career ended in 2014 after a mental breakdown due to 'work related stress and…

  • RE: Does anyone else feel sad when they’re alone

    I get this and it hits me pretty fast, even after a great positive day. Therefore, I think its my mind's way of handling tiredness, or overwhelming moments combined with my default way of over thinking. especially when thinking about the past and the…

  • Hello from dad.

    Hi there, 

    I don’t know if this is the right place or anything. 

    I got a son who is nearly 4 and me and mum always knew he was different to other children so we been doing assessments and today was told our boy is estimated to be 2 years behind. 

  • RE: 2 year old signs.

    Hi your little girl sounds exactly like mine she's not 2 till November but she too does all traits your daughter does and my health vistor has also recently referred her to a developmental PED but did get told it might not get excepted i feel exactly…

  • RE: Imagining a neurodivergent world

    I would say that we do live in a quite strongly neurodivergent world.

    I would quite happily say that people regarded as neurotypical do/would outnumber those of us who would be regarded as neurodivirgent but ...

    When it comes to decision-making in this…

  • RE: Asperger's and Anorexia

    I have learnt over the past few years about comfort foods. I’ve suffered from dieting conditions where some foods make me feel it just by the smell. I found that some foods become comfort foods. From Frosties in the morning (my Nan used to give me them…

  • RE: Food for energy

    Yes, do; addressing an electrolyte imbalance could well help. I'm convinced my electrolytes were thrown out by being on prescription-strength calcium tablets before my food intolerances were properly diagnosed as some mediocre GI consultant decided my…

  • RE: what kind of work do people do?

    Indeed.  I just find it problematic if the default assumption is that everyone must work in paid employment. 

    I can remember reading, years ago in a graduate careers centre, a very small paragraph about some people being temperamentally unsuited to the…