In a relationship (is a quite personal)

Hey I’m 22 (F) 23 in 2 months, in a relationship with a 35 (m) 

He’s got 2 kids 11(m) and 9(m) that stay with us 1 day a week not a lot I know. But I feel like a parent all the time if I’m not helping look after the boys I’m basically taking care of my partner. I cook I clean I do the washing I support him financially.

Im seeing a youth worker at the moment and she thinks I’ll be better off away from him as our relationship isn’t the best. I’m really struggling but at the same time I don’t want to leave him. I do love him and he says he loves me. But there are issues. He seems to think that a relationship is 75% bedroom visits (if you know what I mean) whereas I’m not interested in that what’s so ever and I don’t feel the same way.  These aren’t our only issues but it’s the one that crops up the most often. Am I wrong? is there something wrong with me? Has anyone else felt this way? Am I harming him more by being this way? Thanks 

  • It sound like he's resigned himself to the expectation that you will leave. suggesting a course of action where you feel you can stick by him might be what he needs to jolt him into action.

  • I know it sounds like I’m putting obstacles in the way all the time but this is all stuff I have tried 

    I think I've said enough. You know my thoughts and you have echoed all but the decision that is necessary to free you of the situation you are in.

    While it is noble to be there for him you know he is not reciprocating on any front of consequence.

    I hope there is a change of situation and you find things get better - my thoughts and best wishes for your happiness are with you,

  • For course I understand that it will be difficult when the time eventually comes because no one lasts forever but he won’t even book his own car in for an MOT. His dad has a council house it goes back to them. So yes he’d need to find somewhere to live but the idea was to have a house together in about 5-6 years. But he’s not saved a penny and keeps going further and further into debt and I have to keep bailing him out. He had no reason to get a loan other than he said he was sick of having no money. If he had waited 2 months just 2 he’d be 100 quid better off every month. But he’s never willing to wait. I recognised from a young age if you can’t afford it don’t risk it wait until you can. But I try to explain that to him but he won’t listen.

    I have given him 1 so far and he’s not done it. I asked him to hoover the bedroom every Wednesday and I’ll do it every Saturday. Because I have eczema I suffer with really dry skin and it flakes off and becomes dust naturally. He said why? Does it really need it twice a week? Why can’t you just do it Saturdays. We tried the cooking thing be says he can’t be bothered and just goes with out and says he’s hungry the next morning. He won’t even think of what he wants even when I offer to cook it. All I get is I’ll eat anything so I throw in a couple of ideas and all I get is no don’t fancy that. So i do get quite frustrated with him. 

    he won’t let me touch his phone he’s very protective of that 

    I know it sounds like I’m putting obstacles in the way all the time but this is all stuff I have tried 

  • Personally I think his dad is trying to teach him that he’s not going to be around forever

    Can you imagine the state he would get into if he had his fathers death to deal with (and possibly handling the estate) on top of his current issues?

    Maybe an approach is to give him some straightforward goals to achieve to start with as the basis of you staying. This will give a pretty good indication if he is willing to flex just a little to start with to maybe cook 5 days a week instead of getting take aways, get to the gym 3 days a week, put screen time limits on his escape into the phone etc.

    You could sell it as it being a way for him to help himself and make him more attractive to you.

    You will need to pick the challenges well and not make new ones too often but it should give an indication if he has any will left to do more than be a sponge.

  • He said today in the car “dads not interested in helping me he’s more interested in helping you buy a car” I said I’m way more direct with him than you are I tell him when I find a car I’m sending you to go and your other son to go and get it for me and I’ll come with. He said he is direct and he asks him to go with him but he’s missing that he has to book things in himself. Personally I think his dad is trying to teach him that he’s not going to be around forever and needs to do things himself but no it’s my fault his dads not interested 

  • I couldn’t leave right now because if he did go through with what he says he’s going to then that would ultimately be my fault. I’ve mentioned him getting help so many times before he’s just not interested he says he doesn’t want to hear it and he doesn’t care. 

    i don’t know if it would be for anyone’s benefit would people think I’m being selfish because he needs help and I’m threatening to walk out on him because he doesn’t help with a few silly house chores? 

    he’s done it before and he knows there are people around him that love him but he says that no one is interested in him since I’ve come around. He shuts down at that sort of thing he keeps saying you can leave if you can’t put up with it. How can someone leave when someone else says that? 

    I don’t think I would though. I’ll sit here and think about it but I don’t think I could do it. 

  • Yeah it does eventually I’d be lying if I say it didn’t 

  • And he bangs on about stuff so I give in but then I feel guilty

    So the guilt trip strategy he is using is paying off.

  • He’s always said if it wasn’t for me he would have topped himself. Witch I took as a compliment but now it’s bit more like well if you leave me I’m ending it but then he asks if we’re better off separate. I get so confused. I do think about leaving him I don’t want to but I do. We had an argument and I got quite snappy back to him so he punched the head bored but he wasn’t looking and I think well what if my head had been there? And he bangs on about stuff so I give in but then I feel guilty because I don’t have as many things to pay out as him 

  • I don’t expect he’ll be happy about it. I wouldn’t be. but at the same time if it was the only way to save my relationship I would rather have the option than just having someone walk out on me.

    you also have to think about it this way is your ultimatum as much for his good as yours? You’re not demanding that he take a particular approach to solving his problems, just what he gets professional help to help him solve his problems.

    coping with life without you will probably be a real challenge for him. If he really is as depressed and hopeless as you describe there’s a decent chance that you may be one of the only good things in his life right now. So pushing him to make the necessary changes to improve his life and to keep you in his life is very much in his interest.

    it sounds like you’re going to leave him anyway if things don’t change. Think of it less as an ultimatum and more as an opportunity to prevent that outcome.

  • I just don’t understand why. Why would you want your 22 year old fiancé to look after you when you’re 35?

    That will be because:

    1 - you make him feel attractive (well he managed to make you his partner).

    2 - you are enabling his poor money management by being the backstop for the "familiy" finances.

    3 - you care for him when he is down

    4 - he can abuse you and yet you stay so he feels he has power over you.

    He will now be getting the clue that you may be considering leaving so he will do what he feels he must to guilt trip you into staying, even threatening offing himself if that works.

    Thats what I can read into it from what you have described.

  • I just don’t understand why. Why would you want your 22 year old fiancé to look after you when you’re 35? He wants to have kids eventually but eventually I need to be off work he’ll have to support both of us plus a new baby and his already 2 kids and he can’t cope with that now 

  • That’s what I’m going to do I’ve managed to deflect him from coming with me to look after my family’s dogs by saying they may not settle if there’s a stranger in the house over night and I still have to work but you can come during the day. I think hopefully he might think a bit more 

  • It feels like I’m his mother some days. I just feel lost at the moment. I think once I’m able to drive things will definitely be different 

  • it can’t and I don’t know know if if can see a future with him the way he’s going…. But if I give him an ultimatum it feels like emotional blackmail and I hate that 

  • Just leaving is easier emotionally on you probably. But an ultimatum and a confrontation gives the relationship a chance of survival. Assuming you've decided things can't go on as they are.

  • Yeah Andi.
    Aim for the stars...
    Put yourself first and settle for nothing less than first base.
    I would advise some time-out though.
    Don't replace Dr.Jackyl wirh Mr.Hyde.
    Enjoy your own company then decide after that.
    Best wishes.

  • Yeah that sounds like he’s trying to guilt you :/ I feel like you deserve a lot better. 

  • Sounds like He is  treating you as a House-Mate with Benefits.
    That is not Love.
    It is conveinance.
    Doe's He respect you ?
    You already know.