Is the prime minister stopping PIP for autism ????

Saw this on my phone 

DWP 'narrowing' PIP eligibility will 'directly affect' people with one condition... saying it will affect people who have autism.

Parents Reply Children
  • A man from a rich family with a billionaire wife will never understand poverty

  • Guy Fawkes, the only man to enter parliament with honest intentions!

    Sunak thinks there's a sick note culture, but it dosen't occur to him that cutting the numbers of people on waiting lists for things like hip and knee replacements might help. Nor does it occur to him that poverty increases mental health problems, or gives them to people who've never previously had them.

    All those people with private pensions that enable them to take early retirement have done so post covid, they've realised that there's more to life than work.

    How will the economy get going if people don't have money to spend? It's one of the paradox's of capitalism that people buy stuff, so interest rates have to go up to stop them spending so much, so firms go bust because people can't afford stuff. Maddness

  • Count me in!

    Nouveau Fawkeses (what is the plural of that?) here we come.
