What book are you reading at the moment?

I just finished Libby and the Parisian Puzzle by Jo Clarke. I love this book! I first read it at school last year and I got my own copy of it last Xmas which was awesome and I've already read it over ten times now.

I love books and I love reading! Blush

Now I'm reading Vicky Angel by Jacqueline Wilson. I own a few of her other books and thought this one sounded good so I'm hoping it will be a great read. 

Fingers crossed.

If you have any book suggestions then pls let me know! I'm always looking for new books to read! Blush

  • I like the trailer as well. There were a few Easter eggs in it which I missed some of but noticed some others. I'm new to Doctor Who really I started watching during Jodie Whitakers time but I loves Ncuti's first ep and the trailer looks like he has some more fun and interesting times ahead. I'm looking forward to it.

    Will be nice to see some more new stuff during the Easter as well.

    Ohh wow cool it sounds like you own a lot of stuff! Must be really hard to choose what to listen to LoL! I have that problem with my CDs. I love Doctor Who as well though and I'm buying a lot more things to do with it like Funko Pops and Sonic screwdrivers.

    The first one I got was Missy Series 1! Watching Peter Capaldi I really loved her character and when I saw she did the voice for this audiobook I knew I had to try and get it so when I had enough my Mum bought it for me. I love it and if you haven't heard it I wholeheartedly recommend it.

    The second I have is Doctor Who: Sontarans vs Rutans: Born to Die which features Collin Baker who my Mum highly recommended and I do like that one as well - I like and listen to both a lot to be honest though I haven't seen Colin Baker yet in the series. 

    Do you have any other fave Big Finish that you have heard? Can you recommend any? Thanks for the recommendation I'll try and get that one next! Blush 

    I like how you can get audiobooks and dvds. I like both though I don't have any dvds yet. I've watched a lot on iPlayer now but I would love to have every single one on dvd.. .. eventually!

  • Hi Elara. Yes, obsessive Who fan here! The new trailer is excellent, and apparently there are a couple of Easter treats coming up, so as a fellow fan... watch out for whatever those might be! 

    Yes, I have a ton of BF stuff. Started all the way back at the beginning (1998/9) with those guys, in the days when it was possible to keep up with their work!  These days I have to be more selective or I'd just end up in debt!  Which two have you you heard if I may ask? 

    My all time favourite story of theirs is Circular Time, it plays out as four 'seasons' - one per ep - and is a beautiful character study of the Fifth Doctor era (Davison being my all time fave). Highly recommended :-)

  • That sounds interesting! I hope you continue to enjoy! You're a doctor who fan? Did you see the new trailer?? I think the next season looks like it's going to be really good.

    Have you got any of the big finish audiobooks? 

    I own 2 so far... I want to get more in the future as I really like them. I like how it's the original cast so much fun.

  • Thanks for recommending Wattpad. I'll check it out! Ohh I love Harry Potter!! It's a big interest for me too..I love both the Harry Potter and the Fantastic Beasts spin off. It's cool getting a glimpse into more of the HP world. I love Goosebumps as well, they are fun books to read and pretty funny in places too. I own a few of them!

    I think we read similar books Slight smile have you read the Saga of Darren Shan? That's a teen book series, kinda horror but not proper horror. I like those! 

  • I own a few books.. This is some of my physical collection....

    But I own a lot of books on my Kindle as well. Which do you prefer? 

    I like that on the Kindle the books can never wear. I hate having a book I love so much and it begins to deteriorate from the use.

    I'm currently reading Crypt by Alice Roberts

    Are you enjoying it so far? I haven't read that book before.

  • Recently began Richard Marsden's biography of Biddy Baxter. If it's even half as good as his one on John Nathan-Turner (Doctor Who's producer through the entire 1980s) it's going to be compelling stuff...

  • I've been doing physics at school it's frying my brain.

  • I read physics books, I just finished reading the proof that conservation of angular momentum implies Kepler's second of planetary motion.

  • When I was a teen I used to read so much I’ve dropped it now but I love Wattpad still. So highly recommend that app. Physical books I used to read Harry Potter (been a special interest of mine for YEARS haha) goosebumps if you like slight horror stories aimed for early teens (so they aren’t scary but they do keep you in anticipation) and a series call Mates Dates and “xyz” there’s about 12 books I think but they are like coming of age kind of books aimed for teens about 12-16 obviously I don’t know how old you are but I read them up till I was 18 and I found them enjoyable 

  • I like my kindle too, I read so much and I like being able to download as many books as I do.

    I'm currently reading Crypt by Alice Roberts

  • I haven't read it but I just looked it up the series and they sound like really good books. I'll try and get the guest at some point. Enjoy!

  • the "Murderbot" series. Lots of fun.

  • I love Jacqueline Wilson's books! I'm probably getting a little too old for them now but I think so long as you enjoy them that's all that matters.
    Small txt in some books can be an issue for a lot of people. My mum struggles with that and uses a kindle now to increase the font size and that works for her.

  • I used to like reading Jacqueline Wilson books. Reading wild horses by sharon siamen and game changer by Tom palmer. Never to old for a teen and children books. I struggle with small text.