What book are you reading at the moment?

I just finished Libby and the Parisian Puzzle by Jo Clarke. I love this book! I first read it at school last year and I got my own copy of it last Xmas which was awesome and I've already read it over ten times now.

I love books and I love reading! Blush

Now I'm reading Vicky Angel by Jacqueline Wilson. I own a few of her other books and thought this one sounded good so I'm hoping it will be a great read. 

Fingers crossed.

If you have any book suggestions then pls let me know! I'm always looking for new books to read! Blush

  • Recently began Richard Marsden's biography of Biddy Baxter. If it's even half as good as his one on John Nathan-Turner (Doctor Who's producer through the entire 1980s) it's going to be compelling stuff...

  • That sounds interesting! I hope you continue to enjoy! You're a doctor who fan? Did you see the new trailer?? I think the next season looks like it's going to be really good.

    Have you got any of the big finish audiobooks? 

    I own 2 so far... I want to get more in the future as I really like them. I like how it's the original cast so much fun.

  • That sounds interesting! I hope you continue to enjoy! You're a doctor who fan? Did you see the new trailer?? I think the next season looks like it's going to be really good.

    Have you got any of the big finish audiobooks? 

    I own 2 so far... I want to get more in the future as I really like them. I like how it's the original cast so much fun.

  • You are welcome! I hope you enjoy it when you get to hear it Blush

  • No way! Wow!!! That's a cool bit of factual information on that. I had imagined a few things of what might make the Tardis sound, though that definitely wasn't something I ever thought of! I was thinking computer generated but then I found out doctor who was way before computers so it's something I've been pondering since.. ..

    Thank you for sharing this. I find it really interesting and don't worry the magic is still there! Blush The magic will never die in me.

  • Fun fact (before I let this thread get back to being about books!): that lovely TARDIS noise you speak of was created in a fantastically simple way: it's the front door key of the guy who made it being scraped up and down an exposed piano string, then treated with reverb and distort. Hope that hasn't spoiled the magic! It still sounds unearthly and wonderful inside the fiction even when you know how it was done.   

  • Phew! Thank goodness for that LoL! I thought I was the only one who did this.

    I'm pretty new to Doctor Who but I'm obsessed with it already. The characters can be relatable in some ways and the stories are fabulous, just a really fun thing to watch and escape to for a bit. I love the sound of the Tardis as well when it takes off, it's oddly comfortable to hear, very soothing.

    Definitely do consider the Missy audiobooks. I'm sure you wouldn't regret it Blush I don't know what one I'll be getting next time, something awesome if I can! I love reading and I love audiobooks.

    I think I prefer audiobooks.

    Wow 40th anniversary! That's so cool, bless him, he must be so excited this year then. Yeah my Mum was like "Definitely take a look at Colin!" And she said it so many times LoL. I wasn't sure how good he would be as I'm used to Jodie and Peter but actually I was pleasantly surprised. Bad of me to worry it wouldn't be as good as it was older eps but I'm so glad I chose to check him out and got the audiobook.

    Mum and I even watched a few of his eps, including Attack of the Cybermen which is her most fave ep. She likes your fave Doctor as well Peter Davison but I haven't seen any of his yet.

    The Quin Dilemma , ohh that sounds like it's going to so good already. I need to try and get that too as and when I can. Especially it being Collins anniversary year and all. Eventually I want to own them all LoL. But that might take a long time before I get to that point!

    Thank you so much for the recommendations! I have saved them all in my notebook and I will try and pick them up over time. I'm excited to hear some more audio Who stories! I really like the ones I've got and have heard them all lots of times already.

    I wish we could spend all day talking about this LoL! Have a lovely day Blush

  • thanks for letting me know about this audio book. This whovian is grateful.

  • Totally fine, I've been known to type much longer screeds than that myself so please don't worry at all! 

    I haven't managed to get to the audio Missys yet, but will bear your recommendation in mind when trying to next work out what to spend my next few spare quid on. :-)

    That's very interesting that your mum nudged you towards Colin. In many ways he's got to do all the things he'd hoped to on telly before his era was cut short through no fault of his own. As it' his Doctor's 40th anniversary this very month, there's a celebratory release out called The Quin Dilemma (which echoes the title of his very first telly story) and I'm hearing great things about it so want to get to that asap. 

    And other ones of his I'd recommend are: The One Doctor (very funny story) and Doctor Who and the Pirates, which was DW's first go at a musical (well one ep of the four is) story and it manages to be very amusing but deeply moving all at the same time. The Year of the Pig is wonderful too, it's so languid and wordy and suits his Doctor so well. 

    I'd best not list all my fave audios here (Colin ones or otherwise) or we'd be here all day! But there are loads of excellent ones well worth your time.  

  • Sorry that was a really long reply! Blush

  • I like the trailer as well. There were a few Easter eggs in it which I missed some of but noticed some others. I'm new to Doctor Who really I started watching during Jodie Whitakers time but I loves Ncuti's first ep and the trailer looks like he has some more fun and interesting times ahead. I'm looking forward to it.

    Will be nice to see some more new stuff during the Easter as well.

    Ohh wow cool it sounds like you own a lot of stuff! Must be really hard to choose what to listen to LoL! I have that problem with my CDs. I love Doctor Who as well though and I'm buying a lot more things to do with it like Funko Pops and Sonic screwdrivers.

    The first one I got was Missy Series 1! Watching Peter Capaldi I really loved her character and when I saw she did the voice for this audiobook I knew I had to try and get it so when I had enough my Mum bought it for me. I love it and if you haven't heard it I wholeheartedly recommend it.

    The second I have is Doctor Who: Sontarans vs Rutans: Born to Die which features Collin Baker who my Mum highly recommended and I do like that one as well - I like and listen to both a lot to be honest though I haven't seen Colin Baker yet in the series. 

    Do you have any other fave Big Finish that you have heard? Can you recommend any? Thanks for the recommendation I'll try and get that one next! Blush 

    I like how you can get audiobooks and dvds. I like both though I don't have any dvds yet. I've watched a lot on iPlayer now but I would love to have every single one on dvd.. .. eventually!

  • Hi Elara. Yes, obsessive Who fan here! The new trailer is excellent, and apparently there are a couple of Easter treats coming up, so as a fellow fan... watch out for whatever those might be! 

    Yes, I have a ton of BF stuff. Started all the way back at the beginning (1998/9) with those guys, in the days when it was possible to keep up with their work!  These days I have to be more selective or I'd just end up in debt!  Which two have you you heard if I may ask? 

    My all time favourite story of theirs is Circular Time, it plays out as four 'seasons' - one per ep - and is a beautiful character study of the Fifth Doctor era (Davison being my all time fave). Highly recommended :-)