Lets declare war on the NT's !

Wink Lets declare war on the NT's ! Good got your attention Tongue Out, they say a fight draws a crowd.

Just a joke, but I wonder what an Autism city would look like ? if we were a genetic tribe.

Would there be any war, politics, poverty etc,,,, would asperger REASON raise above low thought forms of survival, politics and ethics ?

Reason in my definition is,, a natural law, it does not matter what interest or merit some pretend king or group has,, REASON DOES NOT CHANGE AN UNIVERSE LAW FOR ANYONE,, IT IS CONSTANT LIKE THE SUN. Smile

What would an aspie only city look like ? Would it mirror a combination of Switzerland, Silicon Valley, MIT &  CERN ? Laughing THE NEW ATHENS. 

Would Sheldon or Spock be our spokes leader of reason under the great oath of reason.

Would we situate the City in the Alps or Florence ?



  • Oh my goodness, I agree with you so much about Germany! I have always been in love with German culture, music, films, sports etc. I almost feel like Germany is an autistic country if that's not wierd to say. I identify so much with Germans and their way of life, I feel at home when I sorround myslef with their stuff.
    Sadly I've never been due to my fear of travelling, hopefully one day......

  • We are special people, we see things in different ways. I like the way I am.

  • are u the guy from Antrim ?  or am i mixing u with someone else ?

  • No reflection on anyone here, but I often find fellow autists to be quite insufferable IRL.  I'd settle for a place where everyone is softly spoken though, that'd be a pretty sweet life in my opinion.

  • it would be mostly the lower end ?  ---  interesting thats something i havent ever seen

  • the start of Asptopia. 

    We should have started that 100+ years ago. We could take over New Mexico, close the borders, and surround the major citadels with 30-foot-high adobe walls 10 feet thick. Put signs at the borders saying "Hand-flappers only! Beware of Hotchkiss Gun!"

    The roads would be laser light straight, with precise 90 degree angles, and wide enough to have walkways 12 feet wide so that people can avoid meeting each other. Wind chimes would be against the law. Noise-canceling earphones would be free, as would eye shades.

  • I am not sure of the distribution of people on the autism spectrum looks like because if it's mostly on the lower end a collapse would ensue. I am sure like anything it would have problems it would be the devil you don't know not the devil you do.

  • We were looking to move to the country and have a few acres with some Tiny Houses to rent out.- the start of Asptopia.  Smiley

  • Golly, I *LOVE* the idea of grabbing the neurotypical people off the streets, kicking and biting, and stuff them into the fusion reactor. At least they will FINALLY be of some use. The quiet alone will be worth the cost of NT transportation to the Processing Centers. The best part: nobody of any consequence is inconvenienced! It is a Win-Win!

  • The only problem is that we, on the spectrum, are not all the same, and some of us need noise, and all those things others of us would want to ban.

  • Paull - I am with you on your list of banned things.

    In addition I'd also ban the colour red - which should be interesting at traffic lights, though we probably wouldn't need those because they are completely illogical in presuming that everyone cannot be cautious nor think for themselves at road junctions. 
    Contracts of any kind would have to be absolutely true and adhered to, not just by the poor recipient, but by the organisation/individual at the other end as well. Product claims would be honest. 

    We really should be running things autismtwo - I like your idea.

  • slamming doors will be banned, foreign accents will be banned, wearing headphones in public places will be banned, shouting in public will be banned, playing music in public will be banned, perfume will be banned, all houses will be built with enough space in between so that you cannot hear neighbours, all aggressive species of dog will be banned, chuggers will be banned, phones won't ring they will just light up and mobiles will have to be on vibrate, cold calling will be banned.

  • quote by nmr1991   "I think you are taking the 'speak your mind' too far with this one and everything you are saying is just wishful thinking. I wouldn't be willing to join your cause because I think in a realistic way, I think things through in as much detail as possible before refining the idea and publishing it.".... true, but it is just a bit of social imagination, like a brainstorming exercise,, and am sure you could fill in the details after the outline concept abstract is agreed Laughing.

    I think, Intenseworld ~  has a good starting point quote "Why isn't there a rich Aspie out there who could buy some land and finance this"...

    NMR1991, ~  it is not serious literal conversation just some musing fun with virtual friends,, but maybe will not be one day. AD lib..  I'm a dreamer, but maybe One day you will join us.

    Hope ~ Soundproofing comes as standard in all aspie hooses.

    Thanks Susie for the nice compliment x.., I think that I am just expressing that NT's don't have all the answers and being honest are nothing special. There is no divide as such, just that Autism views via brainwiring make more sense for people with an autism condition than Nt's via the common experience,, hence an autism/aspie area would be an expression of common experience, or maybe the net does it virtually as a collective community, so maybe this is aspie city here :) Welcome Laughing,, argh ! but the leaders(NAS) are NT's,,, everyone get pickforks and burning torches meet me at the NAS council board roundtable ! The free autism army is taking over the city Wink (this is joke for all literal minded).

    This post has been fun. Thank you all Smile


  • IntenseWorld said:

    Why isn't there a rich Aspie out there who could buy some land and finance this?

    Don't people think Bill Gates has Aspergers?

    I lived in a flat where I could hear my neighbour having a wee :s.  Luckily the one I'm in now is much quieter.  I have a family with three kids next door and practically never hear them.  Yours sounds awful though Hope, I don't know how I'd cope.

    A lot of employers don't care if you have a disability but unfortunately a lot do.

    autismtwo said:
    That would be a good start, in ancient china and even today in asians countries of China and Japan, people were selected for government positions based on intellect testing. Very Aspie..

    Ah, but what is the logical way to choose a President given that anybody who wants a position of great power is, ipso facto, the sort of person who should under no circumstances be put in a position of power?  The best I can think of is from the human colony on Thalassa in The Songs of Distant Earth (Arthur C. Clarke): Basically we ensure that the entire population is sufficiently well educated for the job of president, then exclude anybody who shows any desire to have the job, then do a lottery amongst the rest of the population and whatever unlucky person is picked just has to get on and do it for a couple of years.

    Zem :)

  •  Hi autismtwo,

    I love your posts - sort of - not least cos you tell it as it is and as you see it. And yes you certainly get our attention! 

    I understand your obvious frustration at the NT/autistic "division" but find it so much easier if/when I accept our differences. A colleague recently relayed to me an article - something to do with the autistic brain working differently to the NT brain - my response was to tell her that yes, we are different, but that does not and will never make us wrong.  xxx

  • Yep, we definitely need better soundproofing between flats, in reply to Zem. In my flat, I can hear the upstairs tap every time the neighbour turns it on (a gushing sound), and I must be a pain for her because I have OCD and have the tap on an awful lot. I also hear her little dog every time it whines (thankfully it does not bark but  it sometimes produces a horrible high pitched sound), her washing machine, vacuum cleaner, her talking (even the precise words, very disconcerting as I worry that she can hear me too - there is no privacy at all), and her walking above me. The walls are paper thin and it feels as though we are right on top of one another. You feel like you can't have a life - I am disturbed by her noise, but I worry that she can hear my noise. It is not a nice way to live Yell

  • I love this thread.  I think many of us Aspies wonder the same thing.

    Why isn't there a rich Aspie out there who could buy some land and finance this?