~ Photography And Pictures ... (And Pictures Disappearing in this Forum?)

Glad Tidings to All. I have two good reasons to begin this Thread:

One is to discuss Photography in general. I myself am told that I am "good at it", yet I would not claim to be "Professional" at it.

I start this Thread a lot for the sake of Posting Pictures and discussing such things, if that is alright...?

My Second reason for beginning this Thread is... Pictures tend to "disappear" after a while upon this Forum...! And so this is attempt at a Thread specifically addressing Pictures Posted Here.

I shall start with at least one... of 'Interesting Cloud Formations Over Where I am' (In London): 

  • ...Must I add that all of what. I said in that last Reply was me Guessing?

  • Glad Tidings to yourself, LoneWarrior... I was thinking of starting a certain new Thread - as I have the chance to do so... It has nothing to do with pictures. or NAS... I also Posted a couple of other replies here today.

    ...And WebPM Posted as well! That is a VIP Post!

  • Thank You for Posting THAT! At the time, I Posted 3 Pix and only saw 2! Bwaaaaah....

  • Hi DC really like the pictures,the second one down in the group of three has a look of mystery,it is slightly dark but allows me to imagine rowing out to it just as the sun goes down, and as I return from the land having restocked on provisions for a great voyage ahead, 

    I like to think it would be a perfect vessel to carry all those looking to sail to the island autopia.

    I am sure you would find great comfort if you decided to join us, .

    Have you been struggling to get in the forum tonight as I have,!

    Constant reconnecting,whole page going blank, words typed vanishing, having to refresh and not always completing.

    i assumed it was my own internet provider issue.

    take care and please keep posting pictures.


  • All three are the same size on my screen, they're lovely. Thank you for posting these for us all to see! Sorry I can't contribute but I'm enjoying looking at everything everyone else posts. Apparently I can only take photo's of headless people or blurry dogs   :(   

  • I don't want to take this thread off-topic too much, as everyone is enjoying the photos here too much for that. However, I hope that this is a useful update.

    Thank You WebPM, for always being so dillgent..! One must hold a thing in stasis in order to preserve how it is at that point, I understand what you say here fine enough. Good Fortune To Yourself from myself. 

  • Thank You. I do not often take such Photographs, yet this is unusual. And quite "pretty", and so I did so regardless of the "neighbours"...!

  • Greetings, Sir (Robert123) - I have Posted reasons above, for my not replying earlier... And This is a reply I wrote yesterday, for Yourself and partly to Endymion:

    6 Pictures:
    1 and 6 - Normal (Just darker).
    2 - Like during winter, with Fog/Mist (White).
    3 - ...When I see things this way, I am relieved that I have 'Finally cleaned my Spectacles properly'...(!)
    4 - Very high Contrast setting? Makes it look like a very strong Sunshine in late afternoon.
    5 - Limited Colour pallette (256 or less). Like Digital Art or Computer Generated. TV backgrounds were like this in the Noughties.


  • Hmmm. I posted Three pictures, yet the last is reduced to a little Icon.. for myself, anyway. How interesting... 

  • I am Online at last - huzzah!...

    Here are some more pictures, which I took  during the "ThamesTall Ships Festival."

  • This is a Post which I wrote yesterday Night:

    (Greetings to those who may read... (and especially to those who think of me...)
    I know that I said that I would be back here after a day... yet "Personal Circumstances" prevented it at the time... (12th March.)
    And now, as I write this, "Technical Circumstances" prevent it... (This is written in an Offline Program.) ...And Both are occurring together... (13th March.)
    ...This is what happens, it seems, when I myself become too "sassy"/confident after Posting anything. It has happened before and often - see my UserName.
    I shall try to do somethings around the 14th March.
    ...And when/if this is ever able to be Posted, I shall try to add a certain long, thin & "Boaty"-picture as if in apology...)

  • On the topic of disappearing pictures, an update:

    • In case some here are not aware, we have had cases in which photos disappeared from threads after posting, for example in the pet photos thread
    • This has been traced to a (rather unusual, in my experience) bug in the software, which the developers have addressed with an update
    • We are, at the time of writing this message, testing this update, and will apply it soon to this system
    • We have not been able to recover the missing images; my apologies for this, but our backups are designed to protect the messaging database in particular, and this is an unusual circumstance for a forum
    • You could, if you still have copies of images, edit your own messages and reinstate any images of particular importance
    • In order to undertake this investigation, we have had to put on hold the work we were doing on making it easier to find new messages in an existing discussion (because it's safer to get one update in place before testing another)

    I don't want to take this thread off-topic too much, as everyone is enjoying the photos here too much for that. However, I hope that this is a useful update.

  • That looks so peaceful, wish I could go there now. There's something deeply calming about trees.   

  • Wow! (I didn't even know you could do that) Excellent pictures!

  • That's beautiful, I love watching the clouds   :)  

  • My final photos for tonight.

    My reasons for posting 6 versions of the same image is that as autistics we experience the world around us in different ways. So I have processed the same image differently to give a variety of atmospheres.

  • Thank You. More Posts like that and this here, are why I began this Thread.

    I have located the answer from WebPM regarding "disappearing Pictures":


    ...and so we must still wait, as yet (I personally do not mind, better safe than sorry, and all of that...?)...

    I may certainly sign off now. The "cloud" Pictures were from my little iPod, for anyone curious. I wait to see how this Thread is upon the 'morrow.

    ...Thanks Much to the two "Burly Men-Folk" that have Posted so far, to this Thread begun by a "Sissy Girl"...!


  • I remember.

    The problem is that some programs are temperamental.  Others are very stable and can read almost any image and produce an image that is readable almost everywhere.  It's a matter of experimenting.

    Most photo image programs also allow you to resize images and control the jpeg compression ratio which effect the image size.  So images can be made  smaller than the 1mb limit imposed by NAS.

  • Thank you DC , I thank you for your company and wish you a pleasant nights sleep. ()

  • Yes DC you are correct, strange how they always are allowed? I don’t think anything has changed in my device that would effect the file size? A higher resolution would give a bigger file size! Unless during a recent update has effected the settings?

    Just tried to add a more recent picture and it wouldn’t upload,

    well if you must go may I wish you well and say sleep well and once again wish you well and all that.
