~ Photography And Pictures ... (And Pictures Disappearing in this Forum?)

Glad Tidings to All. I have two good reasons to begin this Thread:

One is to discuss Photography in general. I myself am told that I am "good at it", yet I would not claim to be "Professional" at it.

I start this Thread a lot for the sake of Posting Pictures and discussing such things, if that is alright...?

My Second reason for beginning this Thread is... Pictures tend to "disappear" after a while upon this Forum...! And so this is attempt at a Thread specifically addressing Pictures Posted Here.

I shall start with at least one... of 'Interesting Cloud Formations Over Where I am' (In London): 

  • On the topic of disappearing pictures, an update:

    • In case some here are not aware, we have had cases in which photos disappeared from threads after posting, for example in the pet photos thread
    • This has been traced to a (rather unusual, in my experience) bug in the software, which the developers have addressed with an update
    • We are, at the time of writing this message, testing this update, and will apply it soon to this system
    • We have not been able to recover the missing images; my apologies for this, but our backups are designed to protect the messaging database in particular, and this is an unusual circumstance for a forum
    • You could, if you still have copies of images, edit your own messages and reinstate any images of particular importance
    • In order to undertake this investigation, we have had to put on hold the work we were doing on making it easier to find new messages in an existing discussion (because it's safer to get one update in place before testing another)

    I don't want to take this thread off-topic too much, as everyone is enjoying the photos here too much for that. However, I hope that this is a useful update.

  • I don't want to take this thread off-topic too much, as everyone is enjoying the photos here too much for that. However, I hope that this is a useful update.

    Thank You WebPM, for always being so dillgent..! One must hold a thing in stasis in order to preserve how it is at that point, I understand what you say here fine enough. Good Fortune To Yourself from myself. 

  • I don't want to take this thread off-topic too much, as everyone is enjoying the photos here too much for that. However, I hope that this is a useful update.

    Thank You WebPM, for always being so dillgent..! One must hold a thing in stasis in order to preserve how it is at that point, I understand what you say here fine enough. Good Fortune To Yourself from myself. 

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