~ Photography And Pictures ... (And Pictures Disappearing in this Forum?)

Glad Tidings to All. I have two good reasons to begin this Thread:

One is to discuss Photography in general. I myself am told that I am "good at it", yet I would not claim to be "Professional" at it.

I start this Thread a lot for the sake of Posting Pictures and discussing such things, if that is alright...?

My Second reason for beginning this Thread is... Pictures tend to "disappear" after a while upon this Forum...! And so this is attempt at a Thread specifically addressing Pictures Posted Here.

I shall start with at least one... of 'Interesting Cloud Formations Over Where I am' (In London): 

  • This is a Post which I wrote yesterday Night:

    (Greetings to those who may read... (and especially to those who think of me...)
    I know that I said that I would be back here after a day... yet "Personal Circumstances" prevented it at the time... (12th March.)
    And now, as I write this, "Technical Circumstances" prevent it... (This is written in an Offline Program.) ...And Both are occurring together... (13th March.)
    ...This is what happens, it seems, when I myself become too "sassy"/confident after Posting anything. It has happened before and often - see my UserName.
    I shall try to do somethings around the 14th March.
    ...And when/if this is ever able to be Posted, I shall try to add a certain long, thin & "Boaty"-picture as if in apology...)

  • I am Online at last - huzzah!...

    Here are some more pictures, which I took  during the "ThamesTall Ships Festival."

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