A life time of Untreated ADHD leads to an appetite for destruction

I always thought, I don't have ADHD, I'm not hyperactive. End of story! But looking into it, last few years, I see so many traits, it's shocking!  Task Paralysis, sleep disorder. Mood disorders. I find out ADHD is very complex and multifaceted. And highly correlated with autism.

*** Cause the NHS is nightmare and well...ADD. So I feel very normal and energized.So I'm alert and awake a long time. I feel invincible. No fatigue. Crazy robustness. Like how I imagine a trained footballer feels after 90 minutes, muscle might ache, but boundless energy. Super fast thinking, talking also, sharper processing ***.More willpower also. More extroverted. So I think, is this what it feels to be normal. I feel like I cut 20 years of my age again... it's weird.

But i'm still angry, why should I have to damage my cardiovascular system JUST TO get a SEMBLANCE of normality. ADD is a thing I'm stuck with, and might not ever be able to fix. Even with Amphetamines, legal or otherwise, low dose, high dose. It's such a debilitating thing. And much like autism, This society does NOT GIVE A DAMN what happens to people with this. You're just a write off. So this leads to a VERY BIG chip on my shoulder. And i already have enough of them already. You cant SURVIVE in this world without discipline. Focus, attention and all that. Something nature has denied me.

ADD means I am at a disadvantage. And the NHS system is beyond broken and fairly unresponsive. It's an infuriating situation. And just a complete and utter joke that i am expected to compete with NT's in this cutthroat capitalist system.

[edited by moderator]

  • ADD, CPTSD, Hardly matters anymore. Possesed by demons, catholic diagnosis. Means nothing to me.

  • That's very western. Man conquers nature.

    Yes, alot of things society deems 'BAD';drives, impulses, are lauded as GOOD in different contexts, and even over time, sanctified.

    German Blokes, my favourite is Freddy. I'm familiar with Carl, but only superficially.

  • Thank you, kind words. i don't really deserve them...but thanks anyway

  • I suppose I can console myself that it's not as bad as American style healthcare...what a complete and utter rip off, no vaseline style abuse, of the US citizen

    I hate insurance of all kinds

  • Life is a trial. The trick is to detach from the White Noise.

    The problem with our society is that it's about 'Stop Loss' rather than utilising skills. My nearest main town is full of people quite content to remain on benefits, their entire life. It's a damning indictment of small-town Britain. Add puerile Irish Country to the picture, and you have where I'm from.

    The problem with the NHS is that it was usurped with pen-pushers. Too many Chiefs, and not enough Native Americans. Bureaucracy jacked up the cost, to the taxpayer. Though, to be fair, a privatised NHS would probably become Obamacare UK. An insurance-led Ponzi Scheme.

    I guess we just have to learn to become proactive, rather than reactive.

  • I think that an ADHD is complex, and the struggles you're facing are real. The societal neglect of ADHD and the broken NHS system make it even harder to manage. It’s frustrating to feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle just to function. You're not alone, and there are communities and resources that can help. Stay strong.

  • I'm definitely not hyperactive, but several people from the high IQ community have suggested I could have ADD. Why? Difficulty prioritising re multi step tasks, variability of focus, Sometimes  like having 20 channels on at the same time each showing a different programme, major EF deficits re organising and planning.

    If not ADD; Complex Post Traumatic Shock Disorder (C-P.T.S.D.) might be worth a ponder ~ given that which  you have described. 

  • A little over a half century ago I read a book, writen by a bloke by the name of Carl Jung, which introduced me to my subconcious, and how it worked. And I began to understand some things I did that were generally held to be BAD, theft, destruction, fighting coud be repackaged in more socially respecatble ways.

    Theft became business, (then later, honest business!) 

    Destruction became Work! The amount of stuff I have been paid to destroy over my life is unreal... (Recently I did about £220m worth of destruction for HMG! The absolute pinnacle of my desire to destroy! And got paid for it, and treated nice.) 

    You really can take some of the bad things about the way some of us end up, and put them to profitable use, if you are inclined to.

    I like breaking, dismantling, smashing, things on a primal level. And people need it to be done!! I rarely do it out of "badness" any more, (Although I did put a wireless doorbell out of my misery a few months back using that larger of my metalworking hammers) but teh "satisfaction" of doing minldelss or wilful destruction, pales into insignificance compared to the satisfaction of being paid to do it...

    In between opportunities I keep my hand in by doing a far bit of "power gardening" where I will do anything I am asked to do in a garden providing there is at least one tool powered by petrol involved. I destroy huge swathes of nature sometimes making vast amounts of noise with my gear, to reveal peraps an overgrown lawn or an actual border etc, and almost by accident, it always looks vastly better after I've done my thing! 

    Society, it seems, needs its destroyers as well as constructors.

    Also if you have not already, look up "Garret LoPorto" for a more upbeat take on ADD and what can be done wth it.. 

  • I'm definitely not hyperactive, but several people from the high IQ community have suggested I could have ADD. Why? Difficulty prioritising re multi step tasks, variability of focus, Sometimes  like having 20 channels on at the same time each showing a different programme, major EF deficits re organising and planning. Whatever it is the lack of help and support for it has plighted my life.

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  • I get you. I too struggle with remaining focussed on tasks but I put this down to autistic burnout. It does seem more and more ADD is found comorbidly with autism. Could it be that they are both one and the same. We all have spiky profiles so it could be that. My problem is that my mind is constantly in flux and what i need is calming self medication. God only knows how I would be with whizz!