Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • Thankyou AuTriker for your concern im neuro typical is just I have a very calm and stoic manner plus I have very good intuitive of knowing if something is very wrong  so not to worry ...i was mostly just shocked at the kind of attitude in the health field and it did concern me how my son would deal with it if I weren't around ie he would just get ignored and struggle.

  • Do they know you are autistic? If so, do they know that autists often leave seeking medical help until it is really urgent? It sounds like they don't believe you because this would not be something a neurotypical would do, so they might think it was a prank or a delusion (though if they thought the latter they ought to be doing something about that too...

    If you could bear it, your best bet might be to go to A&E, that is a reasonable place to take a fractured elbow. But be prepared for a long wait. To be fair, the GP probably couldn't deal with your symptoms anyway and would send you to the hospital so might as well go straight there.

  • Here is my rant..phoned the doctor which I never do so eventually I had to call due to having several issues to address I  googled my symptoms as I never go to docs unless an emergency I deal with most stuff at home so I got 1 a herniated lumbar  disk 2 fractured elbow  and 3 a lump on my back size of a golf ball ..receptionist was basically like..oh send us a picture in a few weeks and but are you unwell ? Really though? Yeah goodbye....am shocked its so bad It feels like they just want us all to die as we're too much trouble. My son has aspbergers and I do everything for him I have no husband no friends and no family so I have worn myself into the ground struggling on my own and would have hoped someone gave two Sh@#s 

  • THESE are the people who are most likely causing your problems and unless you are one of them this little film made by a woman called Polly, will confirm what you already know in your heart...

    I was one of these people described, so I attest to the truth of the descriptions given.

    I'm less like it now, and considerably happier for the knowing where I went so wrong, not so happy to know where I am still, willfully, "going wrong" but to be fair, that's my business..


  • I'm tired. Really tired.

    My work is slipping and I've got to deal with a lot and exams just round the corner.

    I really feel like taking a half day today but guess better not. Wish more people understand me.

    Xx Love xx to xx everyone xx


  • Glad you got to where you needed to go mate. Roadworks and diversions can be a nightmare, always gets me stressed too! Hope your next journey is a better one.

  • I was annoyed at the roadworks when heading to and from Carryduff. Plus going through the M1(NI) gave me the heebie-jeebies. But I got to the Mental Health Unit in Cookstown okay.

  • I’m seldom in Lisburn (thank goodness) but yes, it’s road layout is horrible. Combine its Möbius strip of a design with my ability to get lost in a straight line and it feels purgatorial to motor around it, desperate to either weigh anchor or attain escape velocity. 

  • I’m seldom in Lisburn (thank goodness) but yes, it’s road layout is horrible. Combine its Möbius strip of a design with my ability to get lost in a straight line and it feels purgatorial to motor around it, desperate to either weigh anchor or attain escape velocity.

  • HAHA! This is brilliant.. new phone screensaver! Joy

  • I have been like that for years.  Not socialized at all for 8 or 9 years.  Even the internet can lead to horror and disaster so i sometimes go months and months without online contact too.

    Thankyou for your well wishes.  I hope you will accept mine.

  • I wish you the best with your endeavours. I hardly go out now, just so depressed most days I can't get out of my room. Hoping I can get the energy to make the right changes.

  • Thankyou.  I need to overcome my challenges and start leaving the house more.  The internet is not the answer to Autistic peoples problems.

  • I'm so sorry for you. I totally understand though. It is really hard, but don't give up. Your worth it and I'm sure you'll find the one for you.

  • I'm really sorry to hear that.  It can be tough to find a partner whilst on the spectrum but it's possible.  I was recently talking to a few people online for months but none of them came to anything.  It really upset me.

  • Thank you  Purple heart It means a lot that you took time out to say that. Thank you so much. X

  • I'm so sorry to hear that Mayflower. Other interfering people in the orbit of something so special seems so unfair and poisoning that it feels, and is, desperately unfair. The hurt and postmorteming afterwards devastating. I wish you strength and better days to come. 

  • I don't post very often

    Lately I've been under so much stress. I had a very happy friendship with someone and it was becoming more than that but then everyone literally got involved and now I've broken up with him because I just can't take this stress! It's horrible.

    I feel bad for breaking up but I've got my own issues and I know he had his own so I guess it is for the best but it still stings.

    Rant over. X

  • So sorry its scary isn't it

    I've had a lot of family in hospital most recently was my sister who started fires so now she's not allowed back home at thy moment 


  • As in "THat motor, it's the business mate!", AKA it's the bees knees, geddit?