Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • Here is my rant..phoned the doctor which I never do so eventually I had to call due to having several issues to address I  googled my symptoms as I never go to docs unless an emergency I deal with most stuff at home so I got 1 a herniated lumbar  disk 2 fractured elbow  and 3 a lump on my back size of a golf ball ..receptionist was basically like..oh send us a picture in a few weeks and but are you unwell ? Really though? Yeah goodbye....am shocked its so bad It feels like they just want us all to die as we're too much trouble. My son has aspbergers and I do everything for him I have no husband no friends and no family so I have worn myself into the ground struggling on my own and would have hoped someone gave two Sh@#s 

  • Here is my rant..phoned the doctor which I never do so eventually I had to call due to having several issues to address I  googled my symptoms as I never go to docs unless an emergency I deal with most stuff at home so I got 1 a herniated lumbar  disk 2 fractured elbow  and 3 a lump on my back size of a golf ball ..receptionist was basically like..oh send us a picture in a few weeks and but are you unwell ? Really though? Yeah goodbye....am shocked its so bad It feels like they just want us all to die as we're too much trouble. My son has aspbergers and I do everything for him I have no husband no friends and no family so I have worn myself into the ground struggling on my own and would have hoped someone gave two Sh@#s 

  • Do they know you are autistic? If so, do they know that autists often leave seeking medical help until it is really urgent? It sounds like they don't believe you because this would not be something a neurotypical would do, so they might think it was a prank or a delusion (though if they thought the latter they ought to be doing something about that too...

    If you could bear it, your best bet might be to go to A&E, that is a reasonable place to take a fractured elbow. But be prepared for a long wait. To be fair, the GP probably couldn't deal with your symptoms anyway and would send you to the hospital so might as well go straight there.