Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • Thanks, i probably should have just googled. As a smoker I’m glad I just did that! 

  • "Control? There's another one on the N.A.S. forum who can see us, and identify our works!"

    Once you wake up, it's a bit like living in that John Carpenter film and being the guy with the alien polarised sunglasses...

    Respect and commiserations for being able to think critically. Welcome to the edge...

  • This is not doing my autistic stress levels any good.

    "Stop the world---I want to get off!" (a borrowed title)  Everywhere I look there is unease, division, uncertainty, and a general undertone of pending calamitous events.  I look at the big picture globally with China's surreptitious, clandestine, drive towards a new world order with its attempt to replace the international reserve status of the US dollar, with their further collusion with Russia and China's secretive  worldwide  infiltration's at all levels, e.g.my town's 900 year old Grammar School is now owned by China. The agenda 21 action plan devised at the UN Earth Summit held in Rio-de-Janeiro  on 13/06/1992 has now filtered through to the UK at local level with the most ridiculous, unworkable, access inconveniences.

    The EU has swallowed agenda 21 hook line and sinker while there is considerable push back, e.g.:  The right-wing described Agenda 21 as a plot, disguised as an environmental movement, to end individual freedom and establish a one-world government and a new world order.(maybe under China?) Activists believed that the non-binding UN resolution was "the linchpin in a plot to subjugate humanity under an eco-totalitarian regime.

    The UK's adoption of city driving restrictions, with pending control over how we spend our digital money is quickly drifting towards totalitarianism. What happened to our Magna Carta and our many other guaranteed freedoms of choice!  Why have we allowed ourselves to succumb to these political whims levering us to a controlled society like China's?  Wake up everyone!  This is the new reality.

  • She’s young so that’s probably unlikely, one of her kids sometimes has a cough and an ambulance called out at night so at a guess it’s asthma they both have. Only I’ve lived here for a good few years and never heard the woman cough before. It could be an allergy as they got a dog a year ago. As for checking her fingers we hate each other so that won’t happen. I complained about the noise a few years ago. Though what do you mean about clubbing of the finger ends? 

  • Could be lung cancer...

    If you ever get to see her hands check for "clubbing" of her finger ends. If you see it, you know it won't go on for much longer. 

    Then it won't drive you so mad, either. But you'll then have the moral dilemma of "do I tell her?"

    Might be easier on you to try the noise cancelling headphones or put the tv in a different room approach, like others might, rather than look at her fingers like I would, in the hope of saving myself the effort and expense...

  • My neighbour won’t stop coughing and it’s driving me MAD. She’s coughing right now, and has been for months. It must be either asthma or an allergy as she’s still working.  It’s CONSTANT *angry face* to 

  • Cockney Rhyming Slang, anyone?

  • I hate it when I try to minimise a fell development, only to have a neurotypical force me into a relapse, by getting in my face and forcing me to relive to agitation. 

    Depressive attacks to me, are the emergency-brake for my anxiety, what I need is to be distracted and allowed to internalise the issue. The last thing that I need is to be wound-up and pressed. 

    So yeah I understand what you mean, neurotypicals getting frustrated, because your appeasement of them is cracked for moment, is super-rude and insensitive (which ironically is what they accuse us of)..Sweat smile

  • Definitely. My partner got all the dash cam stuff off in case the other party claims because I couldn't deal with it but totally exhausted now. Thankful tomorrow is my day off so I can decompress but I know I'll be overthinking it for ages. Tomorrow will definitely be a feet up day.

  • Nick Cave had an album from that quote. King James reference to God asking Saul why he persecuted Christians.

  • Feet up, Love! Have some Me Time.

  • Red tape. Red tape. Red tape.

    First I realised I had probably used my credit card to pay for something at Christmas in the UK, and now had a small debt, luckily that does now seem resolved with no great trauma, then today Saatchi started chasing me for a Vat number, so I can sell my artworks. I worked out what this number might be, but it was classed as invalid. Great!!!

    There was a sum of money to pay the Chamber of Commerce before the deadline, and took me on a rabbit's warren of complecoty, choosing passwords, and updating my personal details. Last year I had to close downn my old business as the rules were changed here, and staying the same would have meant extortionate contribution s to cough up every month, only now I'm not allowed to invoice to businesses. only private individuals.

    Is that why Saatchi didn't reognise my Vat number? Ok, so tomorrow I call my accountant, or make a trip to the town hall next week. But one of my many. totally unreasonable quirks is that I can't stand not being able to finish what I set out to do.Now I have a headache too, and the cortisol is churning. Not good for tranquil longevity, I am sure. Kicking against the pricks, the archons, yet again. It will be interesting to see if that last p-word will get censored, as originally the expression has a biblical meaning, rather than being scatological in any way. 

  • I had a very minor car accident on the way from work. No injuries and I have dash cam footage - insurer said it sounds like dual fault with minor damage to both cars. I'm shaky now I'm home and very stressed and annoyed at myself. Traffic was horrendous too so yeah. Wounded pride more than anything but having to deal with people all day then deal with all the insurance stuff I feel burnt out. I'm going to have a strong drink.

  • Hate how people can be so mean.

    Glad of Samaritans and this forum. 

    Thank you for everything you do guys. 

  • I am deadly serious as ever. Make a different choice next time.

  • Oh Malo......I can't tell if you are joking or not.....so I'll make myself crystal clear (hopefully.)

    I chose to conduct my experiment in your thread....because it was so VERY apt (to my mind.)

    There is no association between this matter and you nor any of your posts.....I just tested here.

    I in no way mean to imply nor intimate that you are anything other than a lovely human.

    I hope that clarifies matters.......and I'm delighted you have been prompted into digging a Greek word.

  • Are you calling me a butt?

    Gnosis is interesting.  I am now reading about it.  For every cloud a silver lining.

  • OK - so this seems to be the best place for my latest (and hopefully final and conclusive) test on our spam bot overlords.

    If this works, I'll probably be banned from further posts here for a while........wish me luck.....I do this in the name of gnosis.....

    Do you get  angry?
    A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.

    I get angry.
    *Hold on there is someone at the door*

    Goodbye human company.....I am p r  e s   s    i      n        g         t           h        e           b           u       t         t     .        .      .

  • Fear of difference will always lead to cruelty - at least for a long time yet to come, we're hundreds of years off something more enlightened. Thankfully most children will not behave like that, but some will. Victims of their own upbringing. Still needs to be addressed of course, and I hope your efforts have some positive effect.