"ASD" is not a disorder & it certainly isn't a mental illness (most of us know that)-YT Tony Attwood on Greta Thunberg

I don't know much about Greta, except that many young people are starting to take activist roles-probably bc most of us that are older feel 'beat down' to stop many of the corrupt things in this world. I had to post this short video, mostly-for Dr. Tony's response where he laughs when ask, "What do you think about ASD as being called a mental illness." His laugh & response, that it's 'last century thinking.' I JUST LOVE HIM!

  • She’s just a puppet being abused by people with nasty agenda. It’s child abuse on a global scale. If you live her it’s like loving Johnson. Love him - you’re like him. Unstrustworthy thief. 

    Like Greta and you’re just adding to the child abuse she’s going through 

  • Gerty,

    Autism doesn't start off as people describe "a superpower", people on the spectrum have to turn autism into I prefer to say "gift" as they'll always be limitations as well as strengths.

    I didn't see my autism as a gift when I couldn't control my emotions, meltdowns, overreactions, violence etc. 

    Once I overcame all these obstacles and stopped having meltdowns I were able to apply characteristics of autism and it had a big effect on my performance.

    What I see as the problem is I imagine most autistic people are not been given equal opportunities to put their talents to use because the public is so busy overlooking us thinking we struggle in all areas. 

  • Autism is not brain damage, autism is a term that describes the diversity in the autistic person's natural neurodevelopment. 

    Brain damage is when the natural cognitive functioning and other parts of the brain are damaged. I have brain damage in my left temporal lobe because epileptic seizures have destroyed the neurons countless times that it's damaged the functioning of the hippocampus, my hippocampus no longer functions in its natural way.

    The damage to my brain is not because of natural neurodevelopment, the damage is because of epilepsy destroying neurons in those areas of my brain.

  • Thank you! Im new here. I do agree with you. I have develeped mental illness as a result of being autistic, being misdiagnosed with bipolar, your post here just really speaks well

  • I swear, if I hear one more doctor here in the U.S. say "Aspergers" I'm going to lose it. I realize it was used in the past, and the DSM5 is 9 yrs old aprox....but there is no such term. It's now called ASD-why am I educating you, the doctor?

    Well here in the UK ~ the International Classification of Diseases version 10 is still being used and will continue to include Asperger's Syndrome as a diagnosable condition until January 2022 (which is when the new ICD11 fully takes over), and also the DSM5 since 2013 still refers to Asperger's Syndrome in the following respect:

    Note: Individuals with a well-established DSM-IV diagnosis of autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified should be given the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Individuals who have marked deficits in social communication, but whose symptoms do not otherwise meet criteria for autism spectrum disorder, should be evaluated for social (pragmatic) communication disorder.


    So there is such a term in historical and modern usage, and it may be the case that AS will continue to be mentioned in diagnostic reports here and internationally as the former classification; just as it is in respect of the DSM5 for however long.

    Perhaps also keep in mind that many people really are against autism getting  described as being a developmental disorder ~ hence in the UK at least most people have settled on the 'D' for Disorder being replaced by 'C' for Condition, and are getting diagnosed with ASC instead:

    The broader continuum of Autism is usually referred to as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (A.S.D.), or Autistic Spectrum Condition (A.S.C.). They are really the same thing but we tend to call it a condition nowadays as it is less stigmatising than being labelled as having a disorder. 


    Also ~ I am a qualified and retired healthcare professional ~ rather than as such a Doctor.

  • And we all know how reliable, accurate and totally unbiased so many sites found during a Google search are, don't we? Everything one reads can be 100% trusted, I'm sure. 

  • Greta is delusional used as a puppet by the global elite pushing for certain races not to have kids because of the environmental effect it will have yet import mass immigrants because of the declining population,

    As for asd being a mental illness i belive it's brain damage right ?

  • Sia is so bad for autism. That movie makes me sick.

  • I swear, if I hear one more doctor here in the U.S. say "Aspergers" I'm going to lose it. I realize it was used in the past, and the DSM5 is 9 yrs old aprox....but there is no such term. It's now called ASD-why am I educating you, the doctor?

  • Different wiring--I'm all for this. I am learning through watching Tony Attwood, "It's a difference in perception, thinking, learning & relating." This is exactly how I feel. I also feel NT are 100% lazy when they don't read or listen to anything you've said. They are relying on a spoon fed approach, that I'm 100% not into.

  • If you google Greta you'll find her parents are in fact moguls, directors, Opera Singers, Directors with ties to media business across Europe and that's the stuff you'll find on google. if you search deeper you will find their have ties to finical services and business that use to collect natural resources. Ironically that the same business now own one of the biggest green energy farming in Europe. It does seem that th

    As you have it seems googled Greta ~ why not provide the links yourself to verify these claims; given that @moon inquired about them in the first place?

  • Blue, I am sorry this has had a bad effect on you. She is lucky to be able.to, use her autistic traits to good effect. She is saying what David Attenborough has been saying for years. However I do understand for.most people autism is not a superpower but a nightmare. Is this what you mean?

    When Trump, or the press, dismiss her  on the grounds of her age, her gender, her mental illness or her ASD, they demonstrate the worst side of human nature, which is what autistic people and other minorities have to deal with every day, and imho can make their lives hell. 

    has been effecting be negatively since. 
  • Because her parents are stake holders in the parent companies that own majority European media. The same parent companies that know own green energy firm who had to switch because they ran out of natural resources to exploit. Of course her parents are media savvy they both actors and her mother is an opera singer and grand father is a director. 

    Greta ASD status was weaponised so people would not question what might be going on really. Its miss educated thousands of moronic neuro typicals which has been effecting be negatively since.     

  • People get confused thinking being autistic being is a mental illness vs that we develop mental illness as a result of being autistic, we can't "handle" as well as other people

  • I think Greta is amazing. Her parents are very media savvy and I think they are using their knowledge to enable her to campaign for something she passionately believes in, and she would not do it if she did not want to.

    Climate change is a real threat, the science and evidence is undeniable. If an adult male middle-aged non-autistic person said the things Greta says, they would not be attacked for their mental health or ASD status, which are in fact irrelevant to the message.

    Just my opinion obviously!

  • If you google Greta you'll find her parents are in fact moguls, directors, Opera Singers, Directors with ties to media business across Europe and that's the stuff you'll find on google. if you search deeper you will find their have ties to finical services and business that use to collect natural resources. Ironically that the same business now own one of the biggest green energy farming in Europe. It does seem that they exploited their daughter to promote the secret family business dealings.

  • Plastic is right, You can read all this information from google. Greta is in the same category of people weaponizing autism for personal gain or personal publicity. Great examples of individuals and organisation are  Elon musk, Autism speaks and Sia.      

  • i find it funny the left seem to use greta thunberg but greta thunberg actually is copying off ted kazynkski and basically got radicalised by him and takes after his views.... and hes a right wing green activist who said that the left wing is toxic and fake and they need to be got rid of first if we are to ever hope achieve any sort of push back against urbanisation because the left wing are all very urban and push for housing estate spams everywhere and making everything into a city. 

    the only problem with ted is he started a bombing campaign and got shoved in jail for life. if he stayed outside he could have started a movement to preserve green spaces, hes a smart guy, he could have made it big and then brought up lots of land to protect under his ownership.

  • It is already agreed that autism is not a mental illness/disability.

    Whether autism is a disorder or not is a topic of ongoing debate in The Neurodiversity Movement in to accepting autism as part of the natural range of human neurological development. 

    Seeing neurodivergent people as "Differently-Abled" instead of "Disabled".

  • Hmmm, interesting. I don't know much about her...

    I did not either ~ but a friend had a serious disliking for  her and told me to read a list of articles that all happened to be funded by petrochemical industries that were not all keen on tighter safety regulations being enforced or demanded by ecologists, and environmental activists etcetera.

    And despite claims that her family drove her into being an environmental activist ~ they were more as acting and singing stars lending their public fame to environmental activism causes and little or nothing more, which made Greta so annoyed and frustrated that she stopped speaking and eating ~ because of their hypocrisy.

    Due to the losing weight and not talking thing, this led to Greta getting diagnosed as having Asperger Syndrome, and with the reasons for the verbal and hunger strike being explained ~ Greta began informing her parents and together researching what environmental activism actually involved ~ so that they no longer just spoke about it in public, but also lived it through in the their day to day living as well.