My 2 yr old boy has just been diagnosed

Hi All,

My 2 yr old son has just been diagnosed to be on the autistic spectrum.  We are just on the start of his journey and it seems like we are going to get plenty of support in our area.  We have our first family support planning meeting on Friday so i was hoping for some advice on what questions i should be asking?

I would also like to hear from parents that are in a similar position who can give me any advice on supporting my little man?

I look forward to hearing from you :-)

  • Hi All got a non verbal 4 year old with global development disorder and adhd ...I'd recommend the early bird program which can be a real you contacts with local people with autistic children.Im currently in a fight with local authority about sons EHC plan so if any one needs help on that score I'm your girl x 

  • Hi all,

    I too have a 2years 8months old son who has just been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder , just last week. To be honest I always knew that there was something 'not quite right' with my son. More so as I have twins and his development from birth was always way behind his twin. I started tobhave strong suspisions when he was about 18 months...He was still only babbling, low level of eye contact, wouldn't interact, wasn't interested in toys was just in his own world. Now he is over 2 and a half and eye contact has regressed, speech is delayed, play is delayed and non verbal skills are delayed. He has the longest most awful tantrums, not interested in other children, has significant sensory difficulties, sleep difficulties and is ritualistic (list could go on). He first got seen by a paediatrician when he was 18months, then again just at 2years old and again at 2years 6 months old. He then got diagnosed 2months later and attends speech therapy, occupational therapy and communication play therapy which s going good...He is still my special little boy and has an amazing way of thinking Relaxed

  • Hi, 

    i had a diagnosis for my son at the age of 2. He is now 4 and we have now got his EHCP and is starting a special needs school on Thursday which we are so pleased. My son has got a diagnosis of severe autism now with severe learning difficulties. My son is completely non verbal and no hand gestures just babbles like a baby and screams if he wants something. You can get DLA with a diagnosis of autism as we got it once he was diagnosed. I knew something wasn't quite right at about 18 months and got the diagnosis at 2. I just wanted to say that early diagnosis and intervention is key. Dont think it gets any easier but it's best to start getting the help early For all involved. just look around your local area about things to help in your area. I go to support groups and have someone from early years for autism who comes and sees us regularly Also have TRACKS which is a specialist nursery but these not many of these around. Just wanted to share my story.


  • Hi Sarah,

    Sorry, it's been a hectic weekend!

    Twins - that's lovely - i have 4 yr old twin nieces - they are a handful but sooo much fun!

    I suspected that there wasn't something right when Alfie was about 18 months (maybe even before then).  A friend who is a 1-1 support teacher suggested he might be on the spectrum.  He was late with most of his key milestones and still has less than 10 words in his vocab at 2yrs and 3 months.  He didn't point or wave and doesn't use eye contact that much and has a very very short attention span.  He also hand flaps and gets quite violent when he has a tantrum - sometimes hitting me or himself (head banging).

    I know what you mean about taking him places - we have had to leave a number of places due to him having one of his episodes.  He certainly is a lot happier when he is in a familiar environment.

    I took him to our GP in June and he referred us to early support in our area.  This is co-ordinated by the community health visitor.  She liases with everyone necessary to put Alfie's support plan in place.  It has taken a while, but we are getting there)! So far we have had his eyesight and hearing checked to rule out the simple things.  He has had one session with the speech & language therapist, behavioural support and the paediatrician.  The paediatrician has confirmed the diagnosis and has referred us for more support.  She has also recommended that we apply for DLA.  If we get this i may be able to reduce my working hours so that i can spend more time with him.

    I am waiting for a start date for Alfie at a special needs play group, but i think that will be really good for him.

    I have just started telling people.  Now that i have a diagnosis it almost feels like it explains his behaviour.  It's been hard - because peoples reactions are like 'oh my god, you poor thing' which makes me want to say No, i am not a poor thing - i just have have a little boy who learns things at a different pace and in a different way.  It just makes him even more special in my eyes. 

    It's good to talk to someone who is going through the same things, so thank you.  Although it seems a shame that there doesn't seem to be many other people active on the forum!


  • Hi

    Of course I don't mind. I have twins so I found that is perhaps why I picked up on things much earlier. His brother babbles, points, interacts with other children and in playgroups whereas Max does none of these things. He can get caught up in repetitive behaviour too. I find it hard taking him to playgroups as he can get frustrated over a new environment and I find myself sometimes having to leave as he gets to distressed. How about yourself do you feel like you always knew something was different? Like you though he is a loving boy and we just want the best for him! Did you have to push for support? i have started to research locally and found a great playgroup I am going to try in Bromley (near me). it can feel stressful but as you said now I am starting to get a bit of support its a weight of my shoulders. If you don't mind me asking do you tell people? this is the next thing I am wondering wether that will just make people label him from the get go


  • Hi Sdarken, 

    Thanks for your reply. That's great that you have picked up his difficulties at such an early stage. If you don't mind me asking,  what were your signals? 

    I didn't think I would have a diagnosis this early  but the paediatrician has confirmed. 

    Generally I have a very loving little boy that gets frustrated with himself very quickly. I'm learning techniques to try and help him communicate better. It's  early days but I am optimistic about the future. The support is now in place which lifts a load off the shoulders! 

  • hi

    we have an 18 month old boy who has been referred due to social and development issues. He is going to be getting 1:2:1 therapy at home. We have to go for another assesmeant when he is 2 as he is too young to diagnose apparently but we suspect he is autistic. Just wanted to say you are not alone! How are you finding things? I find it quite stressful but I'm hoping an early diagnosis will get us the support and our boy the help he needs.