My 2 yr old boy has just been diagnosed

Hi All,

My 2 yr old son has just been diagnosed to be on the autistic spectrum.  We are just on the start of his journey and it seems like we are going to get plenty of support in our area.  We have our first family support planning meeting on Friday so i was hoping for some advice on what questions i should be asking?

I would also like to hear from parents that are in a similar position who can give me any advice on supporting my little man?

I look forward to hearing from you :-)

  • Hi all,

    I too have a 2years 8months old son who has just been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder , just last week. To be honest I always knew that there was something 'not quite right' with my son. More so as I have twins and his development from birth was always way behind his twin. I started tobhave strong suspisions when he was about 18 months...He was still only babbling, low level of eye contact, wouldn't interact, wasn't interested in toys was just in his own world. Now he is over 2 and a half and eye contact has regressed, speech is delayed, play is delayed and non verbal skills are delayed. He has the longest most awful tantrums, not interested in other children, has significant sensory difficulties, sleep difficulties and is ritualistic (list could go on). He first got seen by a paediatrician when he was 18months, then again just at 2years old and again at 2years 6 months old. He then got diagnosed 2months later and attends speech therapy, occupational therapy and communication play therapy which s going good...He is still my special little boy and has an amazing way of thinking Relaxed

  • Hi all,

    I too have a 2years 8months old son who has just been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder , just last week. To be honest I always knew that there was something 'not quite right' with my son. More so as I have twins and his development from birth was always way behind his twin. I started tobhave strong suspisions when he was about 18 months...He was still only babbling, low level of eye contact, wouldn't interact, wasn't interested in toys was just in his own world. Now he is over 2 and a half and eye contact has regressed, speech is delayed, play is delayed and non verbal skills are delayed. He has the longest most awful tantrums, not interested in other children, has significant sensory difficulties, sleep difficulties and is ritualistic (list could go on). He first got seen by a paediatrician when he was 18months, then again just at 2years old and again at 2years 6 months old. He then got diagnosed 2months later and attends speech therapy, occupational therapy and communication play therapy which s going good...He is still my special little boy and has an amazing way of thinking Relaxed

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