

This is a bit of a strange one but thought I would put it out there to see if anyone can relate. Since me discovering I’m very possibly ND I’ve noticed that I have tinnitus, I’ve never noticed this before. I even went to get my ears cleaned out professionally as I thought that may be the reason but she said they were both in good order. 
Would appreciate any feedback if anyone experienced the same?

Thank you in advance 

  • I had to fight the urge to take them out at first too, but I held out because ...I could hear again! there some bone conducting hearing aids.

  • I also can’t hear my tinnitus with my hearing aids in, unless I’m very tired and sat in a completely quiet room

  • I've had tinnitus since 1999 after a car crash. Lots of people have it, we live in a very noisy world so it's no surprise. You can get dampeners for it if it causes you a lot of bother.

  • I was given hearing aids, then found that I cannot stand anything in my ear canal for more than a few minutes. Thank you autism and your sensory weirdness!

  • yes, I also have it. for many years. it started when another child screamed in my ears a few times. I have lost about 40% of my hearing now (close to 70 yrs old) and, too, the tinnitus has diminished. I have got now new hearing aids and the interesting thing is that when I wear them the tinnitus is gone, just gone. I love my hearing aids!

  • I don’t have any answers but I have had tinnitus since I was a small child. When I’m really anxious I either notice it more or it is actually worse.

    I use noise cancelling headphones at night with a YouTube white noise sound, there are loads of different ones at different pitches, it’s just finding the correct one.

  • I woke up on the 6th of January 2019 with tinnitus and have had it ever since, it is constant and sounds like a dentist's drill. Because it started so suddenly I was sent to have my head scanned. Nothing untoward was found, presumably they found a brain, however. My father had bad tinnitus, so I suspect I had a hereditary predisposition.

  • I’m sorry you suffer with it permanently Guybrush. I’ve found it really annoying tbh. Fingers crossed 

  • I should know better really. I was big into nutrition and know the importance of hydration. My blood pressure is spot on. 

  • Thank you both for your suggestions. Yes I do use headphones a lot and have a noisy job but I do wear defenders. Will try the water as I used to eat healthy and have a really good diet but since discovering I’m ND I’ve fell off the wagon a bit and not drinking nearly enough water . 

    Thank you 

  • I’ve had it permanently for many many years but it was triggered by a loud gig. If you listen to loud music in headphones a lot it can cause tinnitus. There are a lot of other causes though that’s just my experience 

  • Drink more water. I get it and it's generally down to dehydration or stress.  i tend to drink more water and it goes away.  So worth a try.  If it's stress it goes away eventually when you get past the stress.

    One other thing, if you have it a lot.  Get your doctor to do your blood pressure.  High blood pressure can manifest with tinnitus.