

This is a bit of a strange one but thought I would put it out there to see if anyone can relate. Since me discovering I’m very possibly ND I’ve noticed that I have tinnitus, I’ve never noticed this before. I even went to get my ears cleaned out professionally as I thought that may be the reason but she said they were both in good order. 
Would appreciate any feedback if anyone experienced the same?

Thank you in advance 

  • I don’t have any answers but I have had tinnitus since I was a small child. When I’m really anxious I either notice it more or it is actually worse.

    I use noise cancelling headphones at night with a YouTube white noise sound, there are loads of different ones at different pitches, it’s just finding the correct one.

  • I don’t have any answers but I have had tinnitus since I was a small child. When I’m really anxious I either notice it more or it is actually worse.

    I use noise cancelling headphones at night with a YouTube white noise sound, there are loads of different ones at different pitches, it’s just finding the correct one.

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