New member.

Hello. I'm Brooke and I'm new to the community. I was actually looking for local support in the site help and guidance, but found none and then I saw a link for this community and thought ok why not.

I'm AuDHD and like writing. I write short stories and YA adventure fiction stories, none published as of yet but it's the dream. I'm a fan of Doctor Who as well and have written my own Doctor Who stories. One day I would love to send them to BBC for the real deal but I don't think they are good enough, sadly. Maybe one day though. Anything is possible.

I've been looking for support for autism in Wales but there's none in my area. The closest is Cardiff but it's too far and busy to go to, and I can't drive anyway so it's not really applicable. I've considered starting my own autism support group but I'm still not one hundred percent sure of the idea as I get anxious and achy.

  • Recently recorded, and out soon. The title is very apt for how you and I both see that era! 

    They’ve all stayed great friends in real life too. 

  • It always ends up dead centre of the rankings polls. Probably because it’s gentler than many other stories, not showy. But it has something so special about how it feels that I can never quite adequately put into words. 

    Something it took me a surprisingly long time to realise is that it’s very much a story that speaks to the autistic mind. Maybe the reason you’re drawn to it too? All that stuff about the need for burnout recovery, places of reduced ambient complexity, healing environments. And like you I think that TARDIS team the greatest and there they are, just getting started. Learning about each other. In this poetic atmosphere with the most wonderful music by my favourite composer. And some exquisite dialogue. 

    Basically my favourite 100 mins of telly ever made. And it’s clearly close to your heart too. 

  • Ahh no way!!! You have excellent taste IMHO Upside down I've always thought it's a seriously underrated episode.

  •  Castrovalva is actually my all time favourite story. You have great taste! 

  • Yeah Jodie was fab, the overall script quality less so. Still a few standout eps though. Rewatched Eve of the Daleks recently and it’s top drawer 

  • I agree with Shardovan the specials from last year are well worth a watch. Seeing David Tennant and Catherine Tate again as the Doctor and Donna was amazing. It felt new and old at the same time and I got so much nostalgia, reminded me of when I first watched it in 2008 lol.

    I thought the 60th Anniversary Specials were fabulous and I've watched them a lot of times over and now have the dvd as well. It's really good having RTD back in the writing chair again, and it shows to be honest. I thought both Peter Capaldi and Jodie Whittaker were amazing Doctors but had scripts that were beneath them, they deserved better and I'm sorry RTD wasn't writing for them.

    I'm excited to see where he will take the 15th Doctor BlushNerd

  • Hello Shardovan. I LOVE Heart️ your PFP. Peter Davison is one of my most favourite Doctors, seriously underrated IMO. I also think our of every Doctor - classic and new - he had the best Team Tardis with Tegan, Nyssa and Adric. Ooh I might watch one of his episodes this morning now. Maybe Castrovalva, which is also weirdly underrated but IMO is one of his best episodes! 

    Sorry I'm geeking out now lol Nerd 

    OMG no I haven't heard of Big Finish!!! Thank you so much for telling me about it and how they accept submissions. Really appreciate it! I need to get writing... That's both sad but extremely lovely how they started it in memory of him. I wonder how he would feel looking down and seeing it? Amazingly proud and honoured I expect.

    I'll be buying some for myself for sure. I own a lot of Doctor Who, all the modern seasons, and a good amount of the classic Who.

    Thank you for the gentle encouragement and well wishes, it's very nice of you and greatly appreciated by me Slight smile

  • Whoops my bad. Lol. I'm glad it was cared for. Do you still do sketches? Just wondering if you will send any again in the future.

  •  It’s just honest account you could see where it was pinned up, I'm honest it’s not legal!? freedom of speech expression impart equally with others without Barriers and frontiers or hurdles it’s an honest account. Just my point of view from my perspective truthfully and honestly, my mum will say the same.

  • I must admit I'm very curious to know what idea you believe was, er, taken from you. Sometimes coincidences do happen. Someone out there is absolutely convinced that they invented Davros at school as they drew a half man half Dalek not long before he turned up in a story. But it's very shaky legal ground, and probably just coincidental. 

  • in regards most business it’s contacts, at the time Moffat was writing I wrote to Moffat which was a dead-end, I sent numerous letters, there’s a big debate about the new doctor who going online it’s split the audiences in regards being politically correct. I had a letter back from them you could see it had been studied or put on show? it must of been pinned on their wall for (along time) just suddenly returned it was strange then I saw my idea on one of the episodes it could be coincidence, but I won’t be sending ideas again. I’m devout faithful to the originals, it’s good to have diversity but done in the right way I hope that makes sense trying to word kindly and adult like. Doctor who has been a family staple for all and everyone it’s turning into ticking boxes. Doctor who’s from gallifray not human thier putting human aspects onto an alien. I won’t be watching, you should read the twitter comments on doctor who it’s really split the audience?  

  • Doctor Who has always been politically correct - or progressive in its thinking - ever since Nov 1963. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience and it must have been demoralising to want creative involvement and for that dream not to come true, but maybe think about giving the current era another go with an open mind? After all, Tennant's back (or was!), RTD's back in creative control, and that's an extension of the production style that made you fall in love with Who. Why not have a wee watch of the 2023 stuff... you might surprise yourself with how much you like it.

  • I stopped watching doctor who I got to word this politically correct they’ve spoilt doctor who, capaldi he should of got younger in terms of regeneration tennant is doctor who and will always be doctor who, I stopped watching its a mess. I wrote to Moffat and bbc Cardiff regularly ideas i better not say anyone more I stopped watching kind regards 

  • Hi Brooke. Welcome :-) Hope you really like it here. 

    That's very cool that you have written DW stories. Have you heard of Big Finish, who also make licensed Doctor Who stories for audio? Once a year they have an open submissions thing where you can send in a story outline and sample and if chosen it gets recorded and released for free so everyone can hear it. The most recent one is here 

    They started it in honour of someone who worked for them who sadly died young and suddenly. So it's a lovely memorial to him as well as a realistic chance for someone like yourself to get a story made for real. 

    No reason you shouldn't dream big about Bad Wolf/BBC making one of your stories, but I just thought I'd mention the above in case it appeals. No pressure to feel you should or anything, just some gentle encouragement and well wishes intended :-)

  • It was cared for it had been pinned up they used it I believe that why I say copyright! Follow your dream 

  • I'm sorry your sketch was not well cared for like it should have been. That's terribly bad, they should have treated it better. I will definitely copyright mine if I ever send my scripts. Thank you, I will always pursue my dreams. Hopefully one day they will come true.

  • I sent the bbc a sketch and drawing they kept it for ages it had pinned up corners frayed holes in it from pin tacks, copyright your work don't send it for free! Day of the doctor, keep pursuing your dreams and aspirations kind regards 

  • I've been thinking of starting an autistic group in my area but so far it remains an idea. I like arts and crafts, I've done sculpting in the past and my CMHT helped me engage into a painting group. I like art, I find it expressive and helps me deal with the issues life often presents.

  • Hello brooke

    "I'm a 40-year-old who loves photography, reading, music, podcasts, coloring, lego and puzzles.

    I attend a social group twice a month where we do arts and crafts, play games, and listen to guest speakers. Find your passions and a supportive community like I have!"