New member.

Hello. I'm Brooke and I'm new to the community. I was actually looking for local support in the site help and guidance, but found none and then I saw a link for this community and thought ok why not.

I'm AuDHD and like writing. I write short stories and YA adventure fiction stories, none published as of yet but it's the dream. I'm a fan of Doctor Who as well and have written my own Doctor Who stories. One day I would love to send them to BBC for the real deal but I don't think they are good enough, sadly. Maybe one day though. Anything is possible.

I've been looking for support for autism in Wales but there's none in my area. The closest is Cardiff but it's too far and busy to go to, and I can't drive anyway so it's not really applicable. I've considered starting my own autism support group but I'm still not one hundred percent sure of the idea as I get anxious and achy.

  • Hi Brooke. Welcome :-) Hope you really like it here. 

    That's very cool that you have written DW stories. Have you heard of Big Finish, who also make licensed Doctor Who stories for audio? Once a year they have an open submissions thing where you can send in a story outline and sample and if chosen it gets recorded and released for free so everyone can hear it. The most recent one is here 

    They started it in honour of someone who worked for them who sadly died young and suddenly. So it's a lovely memorial to him as well as a realistic chance for someone like yourself to get a story made for real. 

    No reason you shouldn't dream big about Bad Wolf/BBC making one of your stories, but I just thought I'd mention the above in case it appeals. No pressure to feel you should or anything, just some gentle encouragement and well wishes intended :-)

  • I stopped watching doctor who I got to word this politically correct they’ve spoilt doctor who, capaldi he should of got younger in terms of regeneration tennant is doctor who and will always be doctor who, I stopped watching its a mess. I wrote to Moffat and bbc Cardiff regularly ideas i better not say anyone more I stopped watching kind regards 

  • Doctor Who has always been politically correct - or progressive in its thinking - ever since Nov 1963. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience and it must have been demoralising to want creative involvement and for that dream not to come true, but maybe think about giving the current era another go with an open mind? After all, Tennant's back (or was!), RTD's back in creative control, and that's an extension of the production style that made you fall in love with Who. Why not have a wee watch of the 2023 stuff... you might surprise yourself with how much you like it.

  •  It’s just honest account you could see where it was pinned up, I'm honest it’s not legal!? freedom of speech expression impart equally with others without Barriers and frontiers or hurdles it’s an honest account. Just my point of view from my perspective truthfully and honestly, my mum will say the same.

  • I must admit I'm very curious to know what idea you believe was, er, taken from you. Sometimes coincidences do happen. Someone out there is absolutely convinced that they invented Davros at school as they drew a half man half Dalek not long before he turned up in a story. But it's very shaky legal ground, and probably just coincidental. 

  • I must admit I'm very curious to know what idea you believe was, er, taken from you. Sometimes coincidences do happen. Someone out there is absolutely convinced that they invented Davros at school as they drew a half man half Dalek not long before he turned up in a story. But it's very shaky legal ground, and probably just coincidental. 

  •  It’s just honest account you could see where it was pinned up, I'm honest it’s not legal!? freedom of speech expression impart equally with others without Barriers and frontiers or hurdles it’s an honest account. Just my point of view from my perspective truthfully and honestly, my mum will say the same.