New member.

Hello. I'm Brooke and I'm new to the community. I was actually looking for local support in the site help and guidance, but found none and then I saw a link for this community and thought ok why not.

I'm AuDHD and like writing. I write short stories and YA adventure fiction stories, none published as of yet but it's the dream. I'm a fan of Doctor Who as well and have written my own Doctor Who stories. One day I would love to send them to BBC for the real deal but I don't think they are good enough, sadly. Maybe one day though. Anything is possible.

I've been looking for support for autism in Wales but there's none in my area. The closest is Cardiff but it's too far and busy to go to, and I can't drive anyway so it's not really applicable. I've considered starting my own autism support group but I'm still not one hundred percent sure of the idea as I get anxious and achy.

  • I sent the bbc a sketch and drawing they kept it for ages it had pinned up corners frayed holes in it from pin tacks, copyright your work don't send it for free! Day of the doctor, keep pursuing your dreams and aspirations kind regards 

  • I sent the bbc a sketch and drawing they kept it for ages it had pinned up corners frayed holes in it from pin tacks, copyright your work don't send it for free! Day of the doctor, keep pursuing your dreams and aspirations kind regards 

  • I'm sorry your sketch was not well cared for like it should have been. That's terribly bad, they should have treated it better. I will definitely copyright mine if I ever send my scripts. Thank you, I will always pursue my dreams. Hopefully one day they will come true.