Any other Autistic adults in Northern Ireland?

Hi new to site and would like to connect with others in NI. Sat accidently beside another person with autism  at a works "do" today, and it took a lot to get myself there..... what a difference, what a positive experience and I would appreciate meeting others if anyone feels the same it would be good to hear from you.  

  • Hi, I'm from NI and just diagnosed a few weeks ago. I'm 37. Anyone from Newry&Mourne area?

  • Hi David Wave I was diagnosed when I was 35yo so very close. It amazes me that the specialists took that long to work it out lol. 

  • Hey David. Nice to hear from you. Grateful that you took the initiative to revive the thread as I was going to give it the occasional 'bump' myself but it's nicer this way.

  • Hey! I know you posted this a while ago but I was hoping you and others still want to chat Grin

    I was recently diagnosed and was hoping to get to know other autistic individuals. 

    I'm David, 34 and from Newtownards 

  • Although *too*!tentative and no momentum is established. It’s a question of balance I suppose. I just remembered that I’d look into how to become an admin on the Twitter thing so I will try to figure that out. 

  • I just tweeted in the circle after a longer than intended break due to feeling wretched to be honest. I wonder if the WhatsApp is worth considering again. The circle is private I know but 140 characters can be an issue for me (even if at times a good discipline) and a meaningful conversation when we’re individually at our lowest might more organically flow  in a WhatsApp group. I’ll persevere with Twitter for now as i deeply appreciate Propurple setting something up there. This thread deserves a bump too, see if anyone else finds it a helpful  beacon for fostering some tentative local networking and support. 

  • Never mind, all sorted now thanks

  • Hi I joined up on Twitter and found the group but can’t work out how to ask to join the circle. It’s probably really obvious and I’m being embarrassingly rubbish with technical stuff as per. Any help appreciated!

  • Oops, sorry. Thanks for explaining and apologies for being so overly cautious

  • I think they probably mean the National Autistic Society email. I only read about this forum in that email too. Before that, I didn’t know the forum existed. 

  • I need to confess to something: wanting to flag this post as a *possible* ‘bot’ I checked to see if there was a report option. ‘Report as abusive’ came up, which didn’t at all fit the bill but I clicked it believing I’d be given a way to qualify things. Instead it just recorded as ‘reported abusive’ and now I can’t undo it, and if I’ve needlessly reported a real person who was only authentically reaching out in good faith then I’m very sorry about that to both the admin and the person concerned. Please forgive - it was technical ineptitude not calculated hostility and I won’t be doing it again in any similar circumstances. 

  • Hi NAs82831. Hope you’re well. Hope this doesn’t sound too suspicious but… what email? Just making sure you’re a real person, never mind local! I mean no offence, it’s just that your first sentence  seems a little disconnected from the thread. But I’m also not aware of some aspects of how the forum works, so maybe I’m just being a little too wary. Apologies in advance if so. 

  • Oh that’s clever, I’d definitely be more comfortable that way. A circle of trust! 

  • That's understandable, there is a new feature  called twitter circles, only people in the circle can view the posted  tweets, any one who joins will be put into the circle, it holds up to 150 peopleBlusho I think we'll be okay.Blush

  • Hi Janet. I'm not personally on social media, though I do like to follow some accounts and trending things on there from time to time via the 'Search' facility etc. Thank you for going to the trouble of setting something up on there, and I'll think about it though must admit to some reticence for complicated reasons. Maybe a bit silly when this forum is just as public. But the joined-up-ness of everything can be a bit overwhelming on social media stuff I find. I'm sure others will be on there before too long, while I'm still dithering over it!

  • My apologies Zoe, I didn't see your friend request flagged up but realise now that it was buried in the 'unread notifications' bit that's easier seen on my PC than my phone. I've now accepted it with gratitude, but sadly I only caught the merest glimpse of the message you attached to it before it mysteriously blinked out of existence. Jut a glitch of the site I think. Thank you for taking the time to add some kind and friendly words though, and I'm just sorry I didn't get to read them in full. So if I appear to have ignored anything you said or asked, please know that it's not something intended. I'll share my number in a little while to see if we can get the WhatsApp group thing rolling. 

  • Hi, I'm in  belfast,  where abouts are you yourself?

  • I only read about it in the email today. What part of NI are you in? 

  • Shardovan, I think I sent you a friend request a couple of days ago but I’m not sure because I can’t figure this forum out. The replies are all over the place. Emojis don’t work properly either. For me, at least. I prefer WhatsApp and I’m happy to share my number with you.